
Friday, 23 September 2022



727 times seen

KHG management FGD in the Central Mahakam region to support the implementation of the FCPF-CF program

Thursday, 09/15/2022 Economic Field Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan attended the FGD (Focus Group Discussion) KHG agenda in the Central Mahakam region to support the implementation of the FCPF-CF program in East Kalimantan. FGD was held by DDPI (Climate Change Regional Council) of East Kalimantan through the Zoom Meeting.


on the agenda present 2 speakers namely Pathur Rachman As'ad from the East Kalimantan Regional Secretariat Bureau and Fadjar Pambudhi from the East Kalimantan DDPI Mitigation Working Group. East Kalimantan priority issues include: Impact resulting from climate change; The threat of decreased water quality as a source of raw water and drinking water as well as a threat to damage to biodiversity.


There has been a Decree of the Governor 660/K.270/2022 concerning the preparation of the Peat Ecosystem Processing Protection Team, is an important progress. The inventory of peatland inventory activities in KHG-KHG in East Kalimantan which will later produce a 1: 50,000 scale map. East Kalimantan has reported the results of monitoring emissions reduction to foodbank, reducing emissions of 30,850,000 tons equivalent to carbon dioxide from a large target of 5 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.

#baped mutiled


#Management of Hidrologi Romits
