FGD Formulation of the Funding Framework for the Draft RPD of East Kalimantan Province for 2024 - 2026
Monday (09/01/2023). Mr Plt. Head of Bappeda, Secretary, Head of Division, Functional Planner of Provincial Bappeda. East Kalimantan together with the Head of the Provincial BPKAD. East Kalimantan and BAPENDA Province. East Kalimantan carried out an FGD on the Formulation of the Funding Framework for the RPD Draft for East Kalimantan Province for 2024-2026 which was held in the Propeda Meeting Room, Provincial Bappeda. East Kalimantan
Regarding the preparation of the 2024-2026 Regional Development Plan (RPD) document which must be prepared by East Kalimantan Province as a region whose Regional Head's term of office will end in 2023, based on data owned and a number of inputs from the FGD participants, it was concluded that the Regional Financial Framework Description of the Draft RPD for East Kalimantan for 2024-2026 is targeted for completion in the 3rd week of January 2023 as input in the preparation CHAPTER VII – Funding Framework and Regional Apparatus Programs.
The follow-up that will be carried out next is that BAPENDA will submit revisions/corrections regarding the Regional Original Income (PAD) projections no later than January 13 2023. Then BPKAD will submit revisions/corrections with respect to Transfer Income projections (mainly calculations of regular DAK projections, Palm Oil DBH and FCPF Environmental Funds), Expenditure projections and Financing projections mainly SiLPA and capital participation) no later than January 13 2023. Meanwhile, BANKEU which will be allocated to Regencies/Cities will still be directed towards achieving Priority Programs.