
Saturday, 07 January 2023



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FGD Formulation of the Concepts of the Objectives and Targets of RPD 2024 - 2026

Tuesday, 03/01/2023. In the framework of preparing the initial draft Regional Development Plan Document (RPD) of East Kalimantan Province 2024-2026, East Kalimantan Province Bappeda held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Formulation of the Concepts of Purpose and Target of RPD 2024-2026 on January 3, 2022 at the Poldas Meeting Room.


This FGD is opened by Plt. Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan Mr. Yusliando, ST was accompanied by the Head of PPEPD Mrs. Rina Juliaty and PPM Head Mrs. Nani Nurani, and was attended by the ranks of the Regional Apparatus Officer of the scope of Prov. East Kalimantan


In his remarks Mr. Yusliando said that in the preparation of this RPD focused on the strategic issue of East Kalimantan, namely the low competitiveness of human resources, not yet quality of the East Kalimantan economy, the low quality of infrastructure, and declining environmental quality.


This FGD is intended to obtain input and suggestions from regional apparatuses regarding the targets of the goals and objectives that have been formulated.


