
Wednesday, 12 January 2022



961 times seen

Finalization of Perbup Design One Berau Data

Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Data and Information Analysis Sub-Sector, Muhammad Hamsani, S.T accompanied by the staff attending the Regional Geospatial Information Network (JIGD) and finalization of the Regent Regulation of the Regent of Indonesia, Berau Regency which was held in a luring and online on Tuesday, January 1122.


"In the draft Regent Regulation (Perbup) of the Berau Regency, both at the beginning and matters relating to producers and guardians of data, mechanisms, and so on, hopefully can be adjusted to Governor Regulation No. 48 of 2021 about one data, "said Mr. Hamsani when giving input.


"JIGD Coordination Meeting and finalization of the Regent Regulation Draft on one Indonesian Data Indonesian Regency is very important to prepare integrated development planning, especially in Berau Regency", conveyed by the Secretary of Bappelitbang Berau in his remarks representing Assistant 2 Berau.


The purpose of one of Indonesia's Data Indonesia Regency is to support the policy making of stakeholders in the planning, control, evaluation and monitoring of regional development.

#baped mutiled



#Planning for Development of Callets