
Wednesday, 02 December 2020



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Muara Rapak flyover is a solution

Balikpapan, (11/13/2020). Jalan Sukarno Hatta Balikpapan with the status of national roads is one of the main routes that connect the City of Balikpapan with the Indonesian Kariangau area (KIK), PT. Pertamina, and Semayang Port and Pandan Sari Main Market. This path is also connected to the intersection of Muara Rapak which is dense traffic and often takes victims by large vehicles, especially on the Muara Rapak incline.

Development Plan Flyover Muara Rapak is expected to be a solution to overcome traffic accidents and meet the needs of city support facilities in order to serve the new capital city community.

During the field review of the proposed development plan flyover intersection of the Kasubbid Kasubbid Infrastructure and Transportation Bappeda Province Dedy Pudja Wardana, ST explained BPJN Region XII gave a response that supporting the development of Flyover Flyover Muara Rapak on the handling of national roads, then further coordination will be carried out.

(Humasbapandalaltim/Fat/Editor: Sukandar, S.Sos)