
Wednesday, 02 December 2020



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The Muara Rapak Flyover is the solution

Balikpapan, (13/11/2020). Jalan Sukarno Hatta Balikpapan, which has the status of a National Road, is one of the main routes connecting the city of Balikpapan with the Indonesian Region Kariangau (KIK), PT Oil Refinery Industrial Area. Pertamina, and Semayang Port and Pandan Sari Main Market. This route is also connected to the Muara Rapak intersection which is congested with traffic and often causes casualties by large vehicles, especially on the Muara Rapak incline.

The Muara Rapak flyover development plan is expected to be a solution to overcome traffic accidents and meet the needs of IKN buffer city facilities in order to serve the people of the New Capital City.

During a field inspection of the proposed Flyover Development Plan for the Muara Rapak intersection, Head of Subdivision of Infrastructure and Transportation of the Provincial Bappeda, Dedy Pudja Wardana, ST explained that BPJN Region XII responded that it supported the development This flyover and the East Kalimantan Provincial Government through a letter from the Governor has conveyed to the Ministry regarding the Muara Rapak flyover development plan for handling the road section Nationally, further coordination will then be carried out.

(PR of BappedaKaltim/Fat/editor:Sukandar, S.Sos)