
Friday, 22 September 2023



839 kali dilihat

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Pendalaman Background Study RPJMN 2025 - 2029

Samarinda (22/09/2023). Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, through the Head of Government and Human Development, Mr. Mispoyo, S.Pd., M.Pd and accompanied by Mr. Muhammad Hamsani, ST, M.Si as a Young Expert Planner, became a resource person in a series of FGD events for Deepening the RPJMN Background Study 2025-2029 Series I Central Region - Coordination of the Implementation of Employment Social Security in the Region which is carried out using Zoom Meetings.


In the event, Mr. Mispoyo, S.Pd., M.pd who was accompanied by Muhammad Hamsani, ST, M.Si delivered a presentation regarding "Implementation Social Security Program in East Kalimantan Province.”


Governor Regulation Number 19 of 2023 "Concerning the Implementation of the Employment Social Security Program" In the context of optimizing the implementation of the employment security program for every worker in the Region to fulfill the right to basic needs by optimizing worker participation coverage in the Region through the employment social security program.


Definition of vulnerable workers and their protection policies in East Kalimantan, vulnerable workers are workers in the informal sector whose income is only enough to meet basic needs and are unable to pay employment social security contributions and vulnerable to social risks (Source: Gubernatorial Regulation No. 19 of 2023 "Concerning the Implementation of Employment Social Security Programs")


Vulnerable worker protection policy in East Kalimantan, based on gubernatorial regulation no. 19 of 2023, several policies provided for vulnerable workers include: security contributions for social security programs are budgeted through the regional income and expenditure budget (APBD) in accordance with regional financial capacity based on the provisions of 2023 legislation through activity programs with an indication of reaching 1,000 workers in Kalimantan east.

Things that have been done for coordination in supporting the effectiveness of the implementation of social security, among other things, are Hearings and Discussions on the Protection of Vulnerable Workers in East Kalimantan Province with the Governor of East Kalimantan, MOU Yang carried out by Regency/City Between BPJS Employment and Regency/City Government regarding Employment Social Security Protection, Employment Protection Participation through CSR Programs in Districts/Cities throughout East Kalimantan, Meetings Discussion of the Protection of Vulnerable Workers in the BPJS Employment Program, and also the Launching of Protection for 100,000 Vulnerable Workers in East Kalimantan Province Participated in by the Related SKPD and All Regencies/Cities as well as stakeholders in East Kalimantan (Initiation of Collaboration between the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and BPJS Employment Kaltim by registering 100,000 vulnerable workers as BPJS Employment.


Regional improvements in the implementation of employment social security in East Kalimantan include strengthening the implementation of gubernatorial regulation number 19 of 2023 concerning the implementation of employment social security programs; inventory and validation of data on vulnerable workers in each district/city which is integrated into one data in East Kalimantan; encourage districts/cities throughout East Kalimantan to strengthen cooperation with BPJS Employment in protecting employment social security in each district/city throughout East Kalimantan;


Allocating the employment social security budget through the East Kalimantan regional budget in accordance with revenue conditions and regulations; evaluation and control of the implementation of employment social security through coordination meetings involving relevant stakeholders.




