The focus of development in the RKPD of East Kalimantan Province in 2024
Samarinda, (03/16/2023). The process of preparing the initial draft of the 2024 RKPD document has arrived at the stages of a public consultation held today at the Mercure Hotel.
This activity is held as the mandate of the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 86 of 2017, where in the preparation of planning documents oriented to the participatory approach, public consultation needs to be carried out
RKPD 2024 carries the theme "Increasing the competitiveness of HR and reliable regional infrastructure for accelerating inclusive and sustainable economic transformation", Acting Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan Yusliando said there were 4 goals and 12 targets in the initial design of RKPD.
In 2024 the priority of the development of East Kalimantan was directed at increasing the competitiveness of human resources that encourage the absorption of labor, increasing the degree of public health by optimizing the quality of hospital life, especially the poverty service, strengthening economic transformation efforts through vertical and horizontal diversification Extreme, environmental quality improvement in a sustainable manner, improvement of professional and accountable regional government governance, as well as increasing regional readiness as an IKN partner.
The purpose of RKPD 2024 includes the first, realizing competitive human resources, consisting of four targets, namely the increasing equalization of the level of community education: Increasing the degree of public health: Increased competitiveness of labor: and increasing women's competitiveness. Second, realizing quality economic growth, which consists of three targets, namely the realization of economic diversification; Increased economic empowerment of the poor; Increasing the quality and availability of infrastructure to support the economy and the fulfillment of basic infrastructure.
The third goal is to improve the quality of the environment, which consists of three targets, namely the maintenance of water, sea water, air and land cover; decreased greenhouse emission gas based on forestry sector and land use; increased new and renewable energy. Fourth, realizing a responsive and public service -oriented government bureaucracy supported by a character apparatus, which consists of two targets including the realization of bureaucracy that has quality public services with professional apparatus; and the realization of accountable bureaucracy.
#planning for the development of Kaltim 2023
#Consultation of the Public Public