Communication Forum for Job Training and Industry Institutions
Friday, 05/20/2022. Head of the Sub -Division of People's Welfare Bappeda East Kalimantan attended the Communication Forum for Job Training and Industry Institutions at the Balikpapan UPTD Office Hall.
The challenge in facing the industrial era 4.0 is to prepare superior and highly competitive human resources
HR superior in Meyongsong IKN requires a professional, productive, able to compete, and be ready to face the global challenges and the current Industrial Revolution 4.0
This forum at the same time forms and confirms the Job Training Communication Forum Team with the Regional Industry (FKLPID) period 2022-2025
Inauguration of the Job Training Communication Forum Team with the Regional Industry (FKLPID) chaired by Bpk. Arif Muzakki from Perumda Manuntung Sukses.
FKLPID that has been formed is expected to work harder and work together with stakeholders in welcoming IKN and FKLPID as a bridge between Balikpapan BLKI and companies in the region for job seekers entering apprenticeship.
In this case the company needs to encourage the company in improving training programs in Balikpapan BLKI, as well as partnership schemes with private companies in the area for training equipment are needed because the amount of the budget in the procurement of training equipment.
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