Public Consultation Forum for the 2024 Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) of East Kalimantan Province
Samarinda, 03/16/2023. In the framework of the process of preparing the Initial Draft RKPD Document, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government through the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda held a Public Consultation Forum which was held directly in the Balroom of the Mercure Hotel and online via zoom meeting.
This forum was officially opened by the Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan, Mr Hadi Mulyadi, and was attended by Provincial Regional Apparatus, Regency/City Bappelitbang, legislative elements, FKPD elements, vertical agencies, TGUP3, academics , BUMN, BUMD, professional associations, development partners, the business world and community figures, with around 150 participants attending this event both online and face to face.
The 2024 East Kalimantan Province RKPD carries the theme "Increasing the Competitiveness of Human Resources and Reliable Regional Infrastructure to Accelerate Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Transformation". With East Kalimantan's development priorities directed at increasing the competitiveness of human resources which encourages employment, increasing the level of public health by optimizing hospital services and other health facilities, strengthening economic transformation efforts through vertical and horizontal diversification in leading sectors, strengthening infrastructure to support economic development and basic services, improving the quality of life of the poor, especially alleviating extreme poverty, improving the quality of the environment in a sustainable manner, improving professional and accountable Regional Government governance, and increasing regional readiness as IKN partners.
In his speech Mr. Hadi said that this public consultation is an important agenda in the development planning stage of East Kalimantan which functions to gather aspirations, input and suggestions from all stakeholders.
Some of the speakers presented on this occasion included Plt. Head of BAPPEDA East Kalimantan Province Mr. Yusliando; Deputy for Planning and Defense at the IKN Authority, Mrs. Ma Amalia; and Regional Director II of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Mr. Roudo, and Director of PEIPD, Directorate General of Regional Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, Mr. Iwan Kurniawan.
The implementation of this public consultation forum will end with the signing of minutes signed by all stakeholders present. Until this news was published, the activities were still ongoing.
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