BPSDM Regional Apparatus Forum of East Kalimantan Province in 2022
Thursday, 10/03/2022. Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Ms. Charmarijaty, ST, M.Si representing the Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province attended the Regional Forum for the Regional Development Agency for Human Resources of East Kalimantan Province in 2022 which was held in Balikpapan City directly and online.
This Regional Apparatus Forum was carried out in the context of improving the initial work plan design (Ranwal Renja) into a Work Plan (Renja) of the East Kalimantan Province Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) in 2023, in accordance with Permendagri Mandate No. 86 of 2017.
This event was attended by regional apparatus at the provincial and district/city levels related to the development of human resources, and was also attended by Widyaiswara and representatives of the Governor's team to accelerate the implementation of development (TGUP3).
On this occasion, Mrs. Charmarijaty ST, M.Sc (Mrs. Nona, her nickname) said about the basic and principal matters in the development planning contained in the East Kalimantan Province P -RPJMD in 2019-2023 and the RKPD Draft of East Kalimantan Province in 2023.
BPSDM needs to compile various innovation steps in carrying out Bimtek activities, especially with regard to the application of information technology that has now been developed. This is in line with the role of BPSDM in supporting the achievement of the priority of East Kalimantan development in the priority of the development of bureaucratic independence for public policy in favor of regional sovereignty.
Mrs. Miss also reminded that in relation to the development of human resources in East Kalimantan it is necessary to see the priority of the National RKP which emphasizes the transformation of public services and the achievement of targets of several related indicators in 2023 such as the Bureaucratic Reform Index (B-72); Community Satisfaction Index (83); Electronic -based government system index (SPBE) (3,3); Performance Accountability Value (78); as well as the level of maturity of the Government's Internal Supervision System (SPIP) (level 4 - managed and measurable).
Meanwhile, Head of BPSDM East Kalimantan Province Mrs. Dra. Nina Dewi M.AP, said that BPSDM is preparing and going to run the concept of Corporate University in the mechanism of implementing her bimtek which transforms the traditional learning approach to the strategic learning approach. Corporate University focus will focus on the strategic issues of organizations and business processes. While the learning products produced/developed are more varied such as Class Learning, E-Learning, Blended Learning, Coaching/Mentoring, Culture Change, Knowledge Management System (KMS), Knowledge Sharing, Knowledge Management Working Group, On The Job Training, and Community of Practice.
#Planning for the Development of Ballean
#Improvement of the JabpsDM2023