Regional Forum for Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and UMKM (Perindagkop) Regional Forums of East Kalimantan Province in 2022
Tuesday, 22/03/2022. The Head of the Economy and Natural Resources (Mrs. Ir. Hidayanti Darma M.P representing the Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province at the same time as a resource at the event of the Regional Office of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and UMKM (Perindagkop) of East Kalimantan Province in 2022 which was held through online and luring at the Aryaduta Hotel in Jakarta, and attended by the Department of Industry and Trade of East Kalimantan Province and the Regency/City of East Kalimantan; East Kalimantan;
Regional Apparatus Forum with the theme "Strengthening Economic Resilience Through Acceleration of Indagkop and MSME Sector Activities Programs Towards Sovereign East Kalimantan Community" was carried out in the context of improvement of the initial work plan (Ranwal Renja) into the Work Plan (Renja) of the Department of Industry of the Industry and Trade of the East Kalimantan Province in East Kalimantan 86 of 2017.
Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan (Mr. Hadi Mulyadi) at the time of remarks and at the same time opening this event conveyed the effective budget and see the momentum of the transfer of state capital to East Kalimantan is an excellent opportunity and opportunity for the development of the industrial, trade and UMKM sectors in East Kalimantan. Mr. Hadi also appealed to all participants who were present to work in building East Kalimantan to hold the principle of sincerity and sincerity as a basis for work; hard work; love; cooperation and communication; and pray.
then concerned with the problems that are still faced in the industrial, trade and MSME sectors in East Kalimantan delivered by the Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial Industry and Trade Office (Mr. M. Yadi Robyan Noor, SE, M.TP), among others, the low innovation developed to be able to compete in local, national and global; still limited access to capital; not yet optimal the integration of the upstream upstream process; low product quality; not yet broad trading network; Limited superior cooperatives; and limited quality and quantity of human resources.
Furthermore, in the presentation session, Ms. Hidayanti conveyed the fundamental and principal matters in the development planning contained in the East Kalimantan Province P-RPJMD in 2019-
then it was also conveyed that the Department of Industry and Trade in the development of East Kalimantan development was very instrumental in supporting the achievement of mission 2 "sovereign in the empowerment of the regional economy and the equitable people's economy"; Purpose 3 "Realizing Quality Economic Growth"; Target 8 "Increased Non -Oil and Gas and Coal Export Values"; target 9 "Increased contribution of the non -oil and gas processing industry sector and coal"; and Target 12 "Increasing Cooperative and SME Economic Efforts".
The Department of Industry and Trade is expected to carry out its main tasks and functions need to synergize with related parties and other regional apparatuses so that they can run more optimally and synergistically. For example in an effort to increase investment and ease of business, the Department of Industry and Trade Office needs to cooperate with the Ministry/Regency/City Investment Agency, Agency/Office. Then in the effort to provide raw materials for business needs can work together with the Ministry, Agency/Agriculture, Plantation, Forestry or other levels at the Provincial/Regency/City level.
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