Regional Apparatus Forum Discussion Renja Provincial Plantation Office. East Kalimantan 2022
Thursday, 10/03/2022. Head of the Agriculture and Fisheries Sub -Division, Agustina Rahmawati, S.Pi attended the Regional Apparatus Forum in the framework of the discussion of the Renja Plantation Office (Disbun) Prov. East Kalimantan 2023 luring at the Blue Sky Hotel Balikpapan.
The forum was opened with a report on the implementation of the Regional Office of the Plantation Office by the Secretary of the Disbun Prov. East Kalimantan and opened by the Head of Disbun Prov. Kaltim.
In this forum, Bappeda delivered a presentation with the theme "Plantation Sector Policy Direction in East Kalimantan Province in 2023 in the RKPD of East Kalimantan Province in 2023".
conveyed that Disbun is very instrumental in realizing development goals and objectives in 2023 on mission 2, namely sovereign in the empowerment of the regional economy and the equitable people's economy; and Targets 10: Increasing the role of the agricultural sector (in a broad sense) and goal 3: Realizing quality economic growth. With a performance indicator, namely the contribution of the plantation sub -sector business to GRDP (%) through the strategy of increasing production and added value of the plantation sub -sector commodity in a sustainable manner.
relating to a number of programs in the development of the plantation sector carried out by Disbun, it is expected that support from various sectors including:
- Ministry/District/City Public Works Department through Improvement of Supporting Infrastructure and Production Road Access;
- Ministry/Department of Industry and Trade Office, UKM Prov/Regency/City through fostering processing and access to marketing processed plantations;
- Ministry/Office of Investment, Provincial Investment/District/City Investment through Improving the Quality and Supervision of Plantation Licensing and Investment Processed Industries of Plantation;
- UPTD Hatchery of Central/Provincial/District/City Plantation Through the Provision/Supervision of Superior and Certified Seeds/Seeds.
at the Regional Apparatus/ Cross Apparatus for the East Kalimantan Provincial Plantation Office in 2022 for the preparation of the Work Plan (Renja) in 2023 agreed that the programs, activities and priority sub-activities and performance indicators accompanied by targets and funding needs, which have been harmonized with the proposed priority sub-activities of the provincial/ district/ city regional apparatus forum; Agreed on the draft renja regional apparatus of the Provincial Plantation Office. East Kalimantan 2023 as listed in the Attachment of the Minutes; Agreed on a list of proposals for programs, activities and sub -regional and cross -regional apparatus sub -activities as listed in the minutes of the Minutes; Disbunprov. East Kalimantan along with all agencies handling district/ city plantations are ready to carry out post-Pandemi Covid-19 recovery activities that will have an impact on social and economic, the application of the Master Plan of the Corporate-Based Plantation Areas of Farmers and Management of Activities from Upstream to downstream to the programs, activities and sub-activities of plantation development; Propose to [there is Bapppeda Prov. Kaltim and BPKAD Prov. East Kalimantan accommodates budgeting for the implementation of Renja Disbun Prov. East Kalimantan 2023;
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