
Wednesday, 01 March 2023



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Regional Renstra Apparatus Forum DPMPTSP Prov. East Kalimantan 2024 - 2026

The East Kalimantan Provincial Investment and Integrated Services Office (DPMPTSP) held a regional apparatus forum in the framework of the preparation of the East Kalimantan DPMPTSP Renstra in 2024-2026 which was held at the Aston Samarinda Hotel, Monday (02/27/2023).


The event opened by the Head of East Kalimantan DPMPTSP, Mr. Puguh Harjanto, S.STP., M.Sc. It was attended by around 100 participants consisting of related stakeholders both from the related Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and related Development Partners.


Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the Head of Economy and Natural Resources, Mr. Wahyu Gatut Purboyo, S.Pi., M.Sc. Become a resource person and deliver exposure in the regional apparatus forum.


In his presentation, he said that as the schedule for the preparation of the Regional Apparatus Plan (RPD) 2024-2026, the Regional Apparatus Schedule for the Regional Apparatus Forum in the framework of the preparation of the Strategic Plan was in the fourth week of February 2023.


Furthermore, regional priority in the investment/investment sector in the East Kalimantan RPD in 2024-2026 contains the direction of the policy of improving business climate and investment climate as well as improving the quality of the implementation of online investment-based investment (OSS).


In addition, in determining the objectives and objectives in the preparation of the DPMPTSP Strategic Plan in 2024-2026 it is expected to pay attention to the goals and objectives of the East Kalimantan RPD in 2024-2026 as well as norms, standards, procedures, and criteria (NSPK) determined by the central government.


Apart from the East Kalimantan Bappeda, there are 2 other speakers in this activity, including the Head of East Kalimantan BPS (Mrs. Yuniar Juliana) who delivered the development of East Kalimantan's economy and the Head of the East Kalimantan DPMPTSP which delivered the Draft Renstra DPMPTSP Kaltim.


#economy is the source of the year 2023


#forums of rectaldies 2024sd2026