Gub. Responds to the Special Hospital atmahusada
Samarinda, 17/01/12. Governor of East Kalimantan Dr.H. Awang Faroek Ishak inaugurated the inpatient building of the Special Hospital of Atmahusada Samarinda, on Tuesday 01/17/2012, in Samarinda, and was also attended by SKPD heads, as well as echelon III officials, echelon IV and related staff within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.
Basic health services are one of the programs that are the needs of the community both in urban and rural areas, health services are not only directed at people who experience physical pain but in the era of technology and the complexity of human needs causes many people who experience mental illness. Health must also be directed at people who experience mental disorders.
For East Kalimantan each year experiences an increase in patients who experience mental disorders as reported by the Director of the Atmahusada Hospital, with the existing data the Governor provides direction so that in the future the Atmahusada Hospital is able to provide good service so that patients do not increase even however It is expected to be able to cure patients faster and can return to the midst of the community and their families. For the construction of inpatients, this fund is all over Rp. 7 billion and planned by the Special Hospital of Atmahusada will develop and add patient spaces which are currently inhabited by around 30-40 patients and are expected to be in the future of one room inhabited by 8 patients.
With the inauguration of this inpatient building, East Kalimantan became one of the provisions outside of Java which has an inpatient room and this was appreciated by the Ministry of Health delivered by the Director of Mental Health. Responding to this, Mr. Governor through his remarks, he stressed that he would continue to strive for the people of East Kalimantan to be able to access health services evenly by developing a 24 -hour public health center in various regions, especially in areas where health services are still very limited, as well as the provincial government has built a restoration installation of dependence Drugs (drugs) where nationally East Kalimantan is among the top 5 drug users, because the Governor invited us to be brave to fight against illegal drugs.
In addition to the inauguration of the inpatient building, the Governor accompanied by the Deputy Governor and the Chairman of the East Kalimantan Provincial DPRD also inaugurated several bridges financed by the Provincial APBD and the APBN. The bridge was inaugurated as many as 7 bridges located in East Kutai Regency, Kutai Kartanegara and Balikpapan City with a total allocation of funds of approximately Rp. 79 billion, the Governor also stressed that infrastructure development is still very necessary in East Kalimantan because there are still many regions that still need the construction of roads, bridges and other infrastructure so that community access to other regions can be affordable and the community's economic life will be more dynamic. < /P>
Besides that, the Governor also directed the Head of the SKPD to focus more on achieving the achievement of millennium development goals which are part of the success of a development carried out by the region. Data sources from the field of human resource development in East Kalimantan Bappeda, and are informed by Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos.