
Tuesday, 14 February 2023



903 times seen

International Public Lecture "Green Economy New Source of Growth in Kalimantan"

Plt. Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Mr. Yusliando, ST, became a resource person in the International Public Lecture who is a public lecture collaboration with the Bank Indonesia Representative Office Coordinator of the Kalimantan Regional Coordinator with the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network and Mulawarman University through research and community service (LP2M), Wednesday (02/08/2023).


In the activity opened by the Chairperson of LP2M Unmul, Prof. Widi Sunaryo, SP., M.Sc., Ph.D and carried out at the Prof. Building. Masjaya (Unmul Hub) Lt.3 Lecture Theater Room carries the theme "Starting Green Transition in Kalimantan To Entrency Economic Dynamism, Social Progress, and Environmental Sustainability" and attended by students, research scientists and policy makers at the government level, as well as private companies engaged in the land -based industry Perspective of Green Development in East Kalimantan Province.


Green development in East Kalimantan has begun since the declaration of Green East Kalimantan, known as East Kalimantan Green on January 7, 2010 as a commitment to realize sustainable and equitable development by the Provincial Government, Regency/City Government and all elements of society.


Furthermore, Mr. Yusliando said that East Kalimantan had prepared economic changes towards more balanced development, namely the pension of the potential of natural resources for economic growth with a guarantee of East Kalimantan's sustainability for the future generation, including through the development of the special economic zone of the Maloy Batuta Trans Kalimantan (KEK MBTK), the Kariangau Industrial Area (KIK) and BULUMINUNG, and BULUMINUNG DESTINATION East.


In the international public lecture, there are 2 other speakers, including: Prof. Wing Thye Woo from the University of California, Davis and served as Vice President of United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Solution (SDSN) and Prof. Leong Yuen Yoong (Director of Sustainability Studies, UN-SDSN) which explains the concept and application of Green Economics.


Through this activity, it is hoped that all policy makers can approach it to be applied in East Kalimantan, so that the management of natural resources can be in line with the principles of green economy, especially related to unique environmental characteristics in East Kalimantan.


#economy is the source of the year 2023


