
Tuesday, 01 December 2020



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The issue of the transfer of the country's capital to East Kalimantan

Balikpapan, 19/08/2019. Light discussion about the issue of moving the country's capital continues to roll and develop both in the middle of the community and at the level of government, one of which is the strongest candidate is East Kalimantan.

This was revealed during a minor discussion between the Minister of National Development Planning (PPN)/ National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Prof. Dr. Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro with officials of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan when receiving the arrival of the Minister of Bappenas at the VVIP Building Sultan Aji Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport Airport Balikpapan, at 22:16 WITA.

The arrival of the Minister of Bappenas Prof. Dr. Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro to the city of Balikpapan in order to attend as well as opening the Kalimantan regional regional consultation event in the preparation of the initial draft of the National Medium -Term Development Plan 2020 - 2024 which will be held on August 20-21, 2019 at the Novotel Hotel Balikpapan.

Regional Consultation of the Kalimantan Region was attended by the Governor of East Kalimantan Dr. Ir. H. Isran Noor, M.Sc, Governor of North Kalimantan Dr.Ir.H. Irianto Lambrie, M.M, Deputy Governor of South Kalimantan Drs. H. Rudy Resnawan, M.B.A, Deputy Governor of West Kalimantan Drs. H. Ria Norsan, M.M,. M.H and the Governor of Central Kalimantan H. Sugianto Sabran, DPR RI, Mayor, Regent, Academics and other regional apparatus organizations. (Public Relations Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan/Vina).