
Wednesday, 16 August 2023



685 times seen

Activity Submission of Features Renewal in the SPSE Application Version 4.5. e-catalog

Balikpapan, 08/14/2023. East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, represented by the Head of Subdivision of Progress Planning, attended the submission of features update activities in the SPSE e-catalog application and online stores in the Provincial Government. East Kalimantan which was carried out by the East Kalimantan Provincial Secretariat Procurement Bureau in Swissbel Hotel Balikpapan.


This activity explains the information system in the form of an electronic catalog to facilitate the procurement of government goods/services. This system is a means of increasing transparency, information about goods and services including prices and other conditions can be accessed by all interested parties and improve management and control of all stages of procurement. From the selection to the final reporting it is recorded and tracked effectively.


To note, the electronic catalog not only provides benefits in terms of efficiency, but also provides added value in the form of better service. With careful integration of technology and information, electronic catalogs become a tool in meeting the demands of the digital era and encouraging the growth of local/within regional products.


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