
Friday, 29 July 2022



699 times seen

Head of Bappeda Prov. Kaltim gave a speech at the II Plenary Session in 2022 TKPSDA WS Berau-Kelai

Wednesday, 07/27/2022 Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan attended the second plenary session of 2022 TKPSDA WS Berau-Kelai through the Zoom Meeting. The trial was held for 3 (three) days attended by the Directorate of Development of Operations and Maintenance of Water Resources as resource persons; TKPSDA WS Berau-Kelai member; Secretariat of TKPSDA and BWS Kalimantan V Tanjung Selor.


Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan gave a speech as well as opening the trial. "In accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing No. 421/KPTS/M/2021 dated April 12, 2021 TKPSDA Berau-Kelai region has the task of assisting public works and public housing in coordinating water resource management through:

a. Discussion on the draft pattern and draft plan of water resources management in the Sesayap river area in order to formulate consideration materials to determine the pattern and planning of water resources management;

b. DISCUSSION OF PROGRAM DESIGN AND Draft Plans for Water Resources Management Activities of the Sesayap River Region for the Formulation of Facilities for Determination of Programs and Plans for Water Resources Activities;

c. Discussion of the proposed water allocation plan from each water source in the Sesayap river area, in order to formulate consideration for the determination of the water allocation plan;

d. DISCUSSION Plan for processing information systems for bureaucracy, hydrometerology and hydrology or Sih3 in the Sesayap river area to achieve the integration of information system management;

e. DISCUSSION Design of Institutional Utilization of Water Resources Management in the Sesayap River Region and;

f. Giving consideration to the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing regarding the implementation of water resources management in the Sesayap River Area "

To support the achievement of these tasks, a Plenary Session II TKPSDA WS Berau-Kelai was held in 2022 which was scheduled for the role of Tususa Tusi in SDA management and Matrix Discussion on the Utilization of SDA Management related to issues.


Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan hopes that the implementation in 2022 will run smoothly and can get good results both in the regions of East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan. "With the holding of the II Plenary Session of the WS Berau-L-TKPSDA in 2022, we hope that what is discussed can be well understood and implemented according to our shared plans".

#baped mutiled
