Kick of Meeting one data of East Kalimantan
Bapeda East Kalimantan Province as the secretariat of Satu Data East Kalimantan held the Kick of meeting Satu Data East Kalimantan offline at the Swisbell hotel Balikpapan and online via the Zoom Meeting application.
This activity was opened directly by the Head of Bappeda for East Kalimantan Province, Prof. DR. Ir. H. M. Aswin, MM and presenting Drs. Oktorialdi, MA, Phd as expert staff to the Minister for Equality & Regional Affairs as Keynote Speech.
This meeting was attended by approximately 80 participants both in person and virtually, consisting of all stakeholders consisting of the leadership of Vertical Institutions/Institutions of East Kalimantan Province, SKPD within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, Bappeda and District/City BPS, Academics and Governor's Team to Oversee Development Acceleration.
In his direction, Aswin said that the role of Satu Data Indonesia in East Kalimantan is very important in supporting the implementation of development priorities and urgent activities, namely socio-economic recovery efforts in East Kalimantan due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, synergy and collaboration between regional apparatus, between the center and the regions, as well as between the government and the wider community in implementing One Data Indonesia is an important asset in realizing development goals in the Etam Continent, East Kalimantan.
With the One Data Indonesia policy, it is hoped that the problems that regions often experience are overlapping data, different meanings of data, data that cannot be shared, and other problems regarding development data in East Kalimantan can be overcome.
One East Kalimantan Data is also expected to be able to realize integrated planning, implementation, evaluation and control of development. "It is hoped that the results of the implementation of One Data Indonesia can be implemented in the preparation of various regional planning documents, such as RPJPD, RTRWP, RPJMD, RKPD, Strategic Plan and Regional Apparatus Renja," said Aswin.
Head of P2EP Division Rina Juliati explained that the Implementation of One East Kalimantan Data consists of Data Planning, Data Collection, Data Checking and Data Storage and Dissemination.
Currently the implementation of One Data for East Kalimantan is at the data identification stage, which will then be held by a data forum.