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Kominfo Holds Development Rakortek in Bogor

Bogor, Thursday 16/2/2017. 2px Solid Black; src = " Building%20BID%20KOMINFO%2C%20Bogor%2016%20Peb%202017.jpeg" Width = "550" Height = "" 309 " /> (Rakortek) Program for Information, Statistics and Encoding Communication Program in the Second Floor of the Salak The Heritage Hotel Bogor City, West Java Province. Rakortek which was attended by the Heads of the Provincial Communication and Information Agency and Bappeda in Indonesia presented speakers from Bappenas, Head of Subdivision of State Security and Security, Gunarta and from the Central Communication and Information This Rakortek aims to coordinate and reap the priority program of the central government and the proposed priority program of the local government, especially in the field of communication and information that will be brought to the National Rakortek both that will take place in Batam City on February 21, 2017 to 24 February 2017 for the Indonesian section West included provinces in Sumatra, Java, Bali, NTB, NTT and in Makassar City of South Sulawesi Province for eastern Indonesia, including the provinces in Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua which will be held on 28 February 2017 to March 3 2017.
moderator implementation of the National Communication and Information Development Rakortek by the Head of Information Communication Communication at the Director General of Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Obe Pasaribuan said that this meeting was intended to synchronize, align and bring together programs in the region with the central priority program according to the RPJMN and "Nawa Cita" 9 Agenda of the Priority Priority Program of the Central Government. This program was initiated to show the priority of the way of change to Indonesia which is politically sovereign, as well as independent in the economic field and personality in culture. black; " src = " Building%20BID%20KOMINFO%2C%20Bogor%2016%20Peb%202017.jpeg" Alt = "" Width = "550 "Height =" 309 " /> The agenda of nine priority programs of the central government" Nawa Cita "under the leadership of President Ir.H. Joko Widodo and Vice President Ir.H. Jusuf Kalla includes:

1. Re -presenting the country to protect all nations and provide a sense of security to all citizens, through active foreign policy, trusted national security and the development of integrated Tri Matra Defense Defense which is based on national interests and strengthen identity as a maritime country.
2. Make the government not absent by building clean, effective, democratic, and reliable governance, by giving priority to efforts to restore public confidence in democratic institutions by continuing the consolidation of democracy through the reform of the party system, elections, and representative institutions.
3. Building Indonesia from the periphery by strengthening regions and villages within the framework of a unitary state. 4. Reject a weak country by reforming systems and law enforcement that is free of corruption, dignified, and trusted.
5. Improving the quality of life of Indonesian people through improving the quality of education and training with the "Smart Indonesia" program; As well as improving the welfare of the community with the "Indonesia Work" and "Indonesia Prosperous" program by encouraging land reforms and 9 hectares of land ownership programs, subsidized villages or subsidized houses programs and social security for the people in 2019.
6. Increasing the productivity of the people and competitiveness in the international market so that the Indonesian people can advance and rise with other Asian nations.
7. Realizing economic independence by moving the strategic sectors of the domestic economy.
8. Conduct a revolution of the nation's character through the policy of rearrangement of the national education curriculum by promoting aspects of citizenship education, which places proportionally aspects of education, such as teaching the history of the formation of the nation, the values ​​of patriotism and the love of the motherland, the spirit of national defense and character in the Indonesian education curriculum .
9. Reproducing diversity and strengthening Indonesian social restoration through the policy of strengthening diversity education and creating dialogue space between citizens. District /City and Province Musrenbang so that the agreement in the Rakortek can be accommodated in the preparation of the budget in 2018.

Maksuk and Purpose of the Bogor Rakortek Communication and Information in Bogor aims to accommodate two kinds of proposed expected from the central government, namely the proposed program that supports the central government programs and regional priority programs that are the regional authority or regional priority programs that cannot be financed by the local government, but the program can support the priority programs of Central government. Basic Rakortek Batam and Makassar Directorate General of Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs at the end of February and early March 2017 will facilitate the meeting Engineering Coordination (Rakortek) between ministries /institutions and local governments that will be held in two different places namely Batam and Makassar. 3 Law 23 of 2014; 2) Article 259 paragraph 1 of Law 23 of 2014; 3) Article 259 paragraph 2 of Law 23 of 2014; and 4) Article 259 paragraph 3 of Law 23 of 2014.

Meanwhile, the types of Rakortek itself are regulated in Article 259 paragraph 4 of Law 23 of 2014 which says technical coordination of development as referred to in paragraph (1) conducted in the planning, implementation and evaluation stage of regional development. Previously, the Rakortek plan was delivered by the Acting Director General of Regional Development Development, Diah Indrajati at the 1st Quarter Meeting between Bappenas, Bappeda, and the Directorate General of Regional Development Development On Friday, on (01/13/2017) in the meeting room of the 2nd floor of Bappenas, Jalan Taman Suropati No. 2, Menteng, Jakarta.

According to Diah, Rakortek will later discuss together about four things, namely 1) What must be done in the preparation of national planning documents from the region to the center?; 2) How to communicate from the center and what regions should be a national priority?; 3) How does the proposal program entry into matters in accordance with Law 23 of 2014?; and 4) What is the agreement in the Rakortek what programs will be brought into the Musrenbang later?

Relating to the program in the region, the Directorate General of Regional Development Development is compiling a codeation of affairs which will later be determined by Permendagri. This was done to organize the business program so that there was no overlapping between the center (ministry/institution) and the regional government. "Making a codes of this business program is essentially from the understanding of regional development which means the implementation of affairs," explained Diah. institution. Therefore, the Rakortek will have a strategic aspect for local governments, including: 1) Supporting the achievement of national priorities through programs and activities that are planned and budgeted by regions that are in line with central activities; 2) Become a forum to voice regional needs in supporting the achievement of national targets; and 3) Minutes of Kortek which contain synchronization of programs and central-regional activities into input in the preparation of RKPD (Regional Government Work Plan) in 2018 and Renja (Work Plan) Regional Apparatus. It can also be used by ministries/institutions to socialize and communicate regulations related to NSPK (norms, standards, procedures, criteria) that the regions have not known or do not know the regulation. "By informing the regulations of each ministry /institution, the regions can follow up with regional regulations, both in the form of Pergub and Perda," added Diah.
Rakortek Batam and Makassar
< BR /> The two cities in the western and eastern parts of Indonesia are witnesses that the meeting will be held that presents ministries /institutions with local governments to discuss strategies to realize national development. Signing the news from

For this reason, before the Rakortek Day arrived, on Friday, (3/2/2017) at Swiss-Belresidences Kalibata, South Jakarta, held a preparation meeting heading to Raktortek. On this occasion, Diah Indrajati said the meeting was held to strengthen the preparation of the Directorate General of Regional Development Development in conducting a technical coordination meeting. , that the Rakortek will be carried out in February. For the western regions, for provinces in Sumatra, Java, Bali, NTB, NTT, it was held in Batam on February 21, 2017 to 24 February 2017. Then, for the eastern region, for the province of Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua was held in Makassar on Makassar on Makassar on Makassar on Makassar on Makassar on Makassar on Makassar on Makassar on Makassar February 28 to March 3, 2017, "explained Diah.
Furthermore, Diah also again mentioned that according to articles 258 and 259, mandated that the ministries /institutions were jointly based on the results of the mapping of affairs, doing Synchronization and Harmonization for Achievement of National Development Targets.

Synchronization and harmonization are shaded in a technical coordination meeting forum. The purpose of the Rakortek is to confirm the national priority programs for the location and target and readiness of the region because later the project will be in the regions. Second, obtain information from the area of ​​support program what programs will be proposed by the regions to support national priority achievements. Third, what other regional priority programs may support national priorities but this is considered a priority by the region.

While the delivery of the Ministry of Communication and Information about the Ministry of Communication and Information Priority Program 2017 as the Baseline of the 2018 RKP preparation states that the target for the construction of telecommunications towers throughout Indonesia until 2018 is 400 towers and is expected from implementation Rakortek in the field of Communication and Information in Bogor can be used as the beginning of the proposal to be submitted to the implementation of the Rakortek in Batam City and in Makassar City. (Sukandar, S. Sos/Public Relations Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan).