Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Samarinda, (5/3/2019). "The 2020 RKPD must be able to respond and answer development problems that have not been resolved in the implementation of the 2019 RKPD and can provide guidance on policy direction for development targets for the 2019 year. two 2018-2023 East Kalimantan RPJMDs in accordance with the vision of the 2018-2023 East Kalimantan Province RPJMD, namely "Dare to be Sovereign East Kalimantan" said the Acting Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, Dr. Hj. Meiliana, SE., MM when opening the 2020 RKPD Preliminary Draft Public Consultation Forum.
Taking place in the Ballroom of the Gran Senyiur Hotel Balikpapan, this event was attended by the Chair of the East Kalimantan Provincial DPRD Commission, all Assistants within the Provincial Regional Secretariat, all Heads of Regional Apparatus within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, all Heads of Regency and City Bappeda throughout East Kalimantan, academics, banking, provincial associations, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, community organizations, community leaders and the Governor's Team to accelerate the development of East Kalimantan Province.
On this occasion, Head of the Regional Development Planning and Control Division of Bappeda, East Kalimantan Province, Charmarijaty, ST, M.Si, in his report as chairman of the committee, said that the aim of this forum was to gather suggestions and input in the form of the latest strategic elements that have an impact on East Kalimantan development planning for 2020, and the targets to be achieved in the implementation of this Public Consultation Forum are a joint agreement on the goals, targets and priority activity programs of the East Kalimantan Government's work targets for 2020, as well as the results of the analysis problems and strategic elements faced in the future.
With the theme "Development of Human Resource Competency, Utilization of Technology and Regional Infrastructure that Supports Added Economic Value" the 2020 RKPD focuses on development priorities and policies that are oriented towards increasing HR competency in utilizing and developing technology supported by adequate regional infrastructure for encouraging increased added value and continued sustainable economic growth.
Talking about Human Resources, Nationally the Human Development Index (HDI) of East Kalimantan is in 3rd (third) position, namely 75.12, however, Meiliana explained that there is still a fairly high gap between the HDI values for city and district areas. . The average urban HDI value in East Kalimantan is 79.31, while the average district HDI value is 70.89. Furthermore, regarding the East Kalimantah workforce in 2017, 43% had junior high school education or below. According to Meiliana, human resources are one of the key factors in global competition, namely how to create quality human resources who have skills and are highly competitive. "Globalization demands efficiency and competitiveness in the business world, for this we need human resources who are continuously able to innovate and adapt. with change," he said.
Another problem still facing East Kalimantan is the problem of equal distribution of development results, based on the Gini index the level of income gap between community income groups in East Kalimantan increased from 0.332 in 2017 to 0.342 in 2018. Therefore, people-based economic development is absolutely necessary so that social welfare is more equal. According to Meiliana, people-based economic development can be carried out through agricultural development in a broad sense, development in small and medium enterprises, increasing partnerships between large businesses and MSMEs as well as production chain efficiency.
Meiliana further explained that increasing competence is an effort that needs to be carried out together, either through formal or non-formal education, in addition to increasing competence in improving technology and regional infrastructure, especially in connecting production centers to outlets. It is necessary to get serious attention to the existence of quality regional infrastructure. will increase production efficiency so that the economic value enjoyed by business actors will increase in relation to regional economic sovereignty and a just people's economy. The East Kalimantan Provincial Government will focus on building quality production roads.
The success of East Kalimantan's development requires a harmonized vision and program that is collectively synergistic between the government, private sector and the community, for this reason, Meiliana urges all parties to work together synergistically so that development ideals and goals can be achieved. Several things need to be paid attention to in the 2020 East Kalimantan RKPD Preliminary Draft Public Consultation Forum forum, namely first, determining programs and activities must be oriented towards solving fundamental development problems. Second, set ideal and realistic development targets based on a sharp, comprehensive analysis of problems and taking into account the availability of resources. Third, prioritize integration and integration of programs both between regions and between sectors as well as between government, private sector and society. Fourth, use budget allocations for priority and strategic programs.
Furthermore, this forum produced 5 (five) agreements which were signed by the relevant parties. The agreement includes:
- The initial draft RKPD for East Kalimantan Province for 2020 will be made to refine the main focus of development in accordance with the main problems and regional strategic issues.
- The aims, targets, strategies and policy directions in the initial draft of the 2020 RKPD for East Kalimantan Province, as stated in the attachment to the minutes, will be further refined based on input and suggestions from forum participants.
- Determining RKPD performance targets to take into account regional resource capabilities and consistency between planning and budgeting is needed so that the 2020 RKPD targets can be achieved.
- The results of the refinement of the initial draft RKPD for East Kalimantan Province for 2020 will then become a guideline for preparing the RENJA for Regional Apparatus.
- The implementation of the 2019 Regional Apparatus/Cross Regional Apparatus Forum will be held no later than the third week of March 2019. (ft)