
Sunday, 01 May 2022



992 times seen

Public Consultation Draft Per LKPP Regarding Procurement of the Capital of the Archipelago (IKN)

Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan attended the Public Consultation Meeting of the finalization of the LKPP Draft Regarding the Provision of Infrastructure and Procurement of other goods/services with a specificity in the framework of preparation, development and transfer of the Capital City, as well as the implementation of the Regional Government of the Archipelago Capital City held by the Indonesian Goods/Services Procurement Policy (LKPP) through Zoom Meeting, Wednesday (27/04/2022). -

At the meeting there were 2 (two) resource persons; namely Sarah Sadiqa (Deputy for Strategy and Policy Development) and Directorate of General Procurement Strategy and Policy Development. At the meeting it was stated that the system of procurement of goods/services of the state capital's authority based on the provision of infrastructure and procurement of other goods/services that are regulated separately, must be integrated with the national goods/services procurement system managed by institutions that carry out government affairs in the field of government goods/services procurement policies.


In order to improve efficiency and effectiveness as well as meet the economic value in accordance with healthy business practices, the head of the authorities can submit the provision of infrastructure and procurement of other goods/services that are regulated separately by stipulating through Presidential Regulations. In packaging supplied by owner using materials, human resources, local business actors in Kalimantan. E-Purchasing can be carried out for the procurement of individual consultation services and business entities.


#baped mutiled


#Procurement of Barangjasa

