
Wednesday, 15 February 2023



954 times seen

Public Consultation Ranwal RKPD Kutai Kartanegara Regency in 2024

Samarinda, (02/14/2023). Head of Infrastructure and Region Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan Mrs. Elly Luchiritia Nova, ST, MT, attended the public consultation of Ranwal RKPD Kutai Kartanegara Regency as a resource online through the Zoom Meeting.


This event was opened by Plt. Head of Bappeda Kab. Kukar Mrs. Syarifah Vanesa Vilna and was attended by all regional apparatus scope of the Kutai Kartanegara Regency Government, all Sub -District Heads of the Kutai Kartanegara Regency Government, DPRD, Academics, NGOs, and community leaders.


In her presentation Ms. Nova said that Kutai Kartanegara Regency had an important paranan for the economy of East Kalimantan Province with a contribution value in 2021 of 25.50 percent. With high dependence on the mining and excavation sectors.


in the future Kutai Kartanegara Regency is faced with efforts to create sustainable and sustainable economic growth and need to encourage the creation of new economic resources, therefore Ms. Nova stressed that economic transformation needs to be carried out towards Green (and Blue) Economy can be part of the formulation of the policy going forward.


Speaking of the preparation of RKPD draft documents in 2024, Ms. Nova emphasized a number of things that need to be a concern, especially synchronization of performance, performance indicators, and targets of implementing affairs in the Ministry of Home Affairs Guidelines for the preparation of RKPD, paying attention and following up on the results of controlling and evaluating the implementation of the previous year's development.


Furthermore, he said that another thing that needs to be considered is to maintain the consistency of the Consistency between the RKPD and the PD Renja, then the formulation of the performance target is carried out in a measurable and accountable manner and the projection of the funding framework is carried out in measurable because it will be used as an input for the formulation of performance targets.


#planning for the development of Kaltim 2023

#ForumKonsultation of the Publicness of the CabkutaikAgaragara Country

#ranwalrkpdkab regency