Thursday, 03 February 2022
Public Consultation RKPD Kab. PPU 2023
Monday, 31/01/2022. Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Ms. Charmarijaty ST, M.Sc became a virtual resource person in the Ranwal RKPD Penajam Paser Utara Public Consultation Forum.
In his presentation the woman who is familiarly called Miss said that the direction of the regional development policy was needed in the context of poverty alleviation in accordance with the direction of provincial development for economic, social and environmental strengthening in 2023.
according to him, based on TNP2K 2017 data the focus of poverty handling in the PPU Regency needs to be done in Waru and Babulu Districts, where the sub-district has the highest poverty level among other districts in PPU Regency. < /P>
he also said that the PPU Regency is able to capture opportunities with the transfer of IKN such as the assistance of the Aren Nira Food UKM in Waru District, Api-api Village, increased production and added value of rice and commodity plants superior non -palm oil such as coconut and pepper.
Head of Bapppelitbang PPU Regency in his presentation explained development in 2023 indeed focused on economic recovery after Pandemi Covid-19 with the theme "Strengthening Economic, Social, and Environmental Defense Towards Welfare in Framework Advanced, Modern & Religious Uatara Paser Sharpening ".
with development priorities which include increasing strength and health and education services, strengthening connectivity and accessibility of infrastructure between regions, increasing the role of industrial designation areas in supporting investment inclimates with environmental insight, strengthening market and strengthening downstreaming of superior commodities, increasing the competitiveness of human resources in supporting IKN, as well as the administration of governance performance and the quality of public services based on information technology.
#baped mutiled
#Consultation of the Republic of Indonesia 2023
#Planning for Development of Callets
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