"This development is not just the target numbers but our concrete steps together to achieve the development targets that we have agreed upon in the changes in the Provincial RPJMD" said Secretary of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Charmarijaty when giving a speech to the consultation of the initial draft of the RPJMD PIKAMAH DISTRICT RPJMD.
Following up on the Mahakam Ulu BUPPATI letter regarding the initial Draft Consultation of the Mahakam Ulu Regency RPJMD in 2021-2026, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government through the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda facilitated the consultation.
in his remarks Charmarijaty conveyed the regional development policy as stipulated in the Rankhir Changes in the Mahakam Ulu RPJMD, the development of Food Crop Agriculture, Development of Food Crops, Development of Animal Husbandry Areas, Providing Access to Forest Management in the Community around the Forest, Improvement of Nfrastruktur Services
there are several inputs including related to social, education, spatial, etc. which are submitted in writing.
The results of this consultation will be issued by the Governor's Letter as the basis of the Mahakam Ulu Regency to simplify the Draft RPJMD 2021-2026.