
Tuesday, 27 July 2021



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Bontang City RPJMD Ranwal Consultation in 2021-2026

Wednesday, July 21, 2021. The East Kalimantan Provincial Government through the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda facilitates the initial Bontang City RPJMD design consultation through Zoom Meeting.

This facilitation is the mandate of Permendagri Number 86 of 2017 concerning Procedures for Planning, Control and Evaluation of Regional Development, which aims to get input on the initial draft of the Bontang City RPJMD in 2021-2026.

Secretary of Bappelitbang conveyed several Bontang City Development Problems among Governments that have not been synergy, serving and harmony; Urban development is not yet optimal environmental insight; negative economic growth; and the quality of human resources that are not competitive and prosperous.

bontang strong, bontang new, bontang rose, bontang superior, with 9 priority programs in accordance with the direction of the mayor who became a political promise.

In this consultation there are several input related to the fields of marine, forestry, tourism (creative economy development), social fields related to social assistance, labor, and others delivered in writing.

The results of this consultation will be continued as the Governor's letter as the basis of the City of Bontang to perfect the RPJMD draft.