Saturday, 12 February 2022
Coordination of Preliminary Data on Activities Sources of Funds for State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (Deconcentration and Assistance Tasks) for East Kalimantan Province FY 2022
Bappeda East Kalimantan Province through the Head of Data and Information Analysis Sub-Division (M. Hamsani, ST, M.Si) attended the preliminary data coordination meeting for activities of Sources of Funds for the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (Deconcentration and Tasks Assistance) East Kalimantan Province Fiscal Year 2022, on Thursday (10/02/22).
The meeting which was held online was part of efforts to build synergy between the central government and regional governments for better governance in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, where the Governor as a Central Government Representative who has the functions of coaching, supervising and coordinating regional affairs as well as Assistance Duties.
The meeting which was attended by ± 63 participants who were the Implementing Team for Sectoral Control and the Regional Apparatus of the East Kalimantan Province Managing APBN Funds (Deconcentration and Assistance Tasks) was opened by the Head of the APBD Monitoring and Evaluation Subdivision, Bureau Development Administration (Noviady Dwi Noorcahyo, S.T).
"In connection with the letter that was previously submitted to all APBN Fund Managers (Deconcentration and Assistance Tasks) in the Regional Apparatus of East Kalimantan Province regarding the submission of Initial Data on APBN Fund Source activities (Deconcentration and Assistance Tasks) ) East Kalimantan Province FY 2022, this meeting is intended to coordinate and verify the initial data," he said.
Responses and suggestions were also conveyed by the Head of the Data and Information Analysis Sub Division of the Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, M. Hamsani, ST, M.Si, that it was in the context of coordinating and evaluating sourced activities From this APBN Fund, it is hoped that the APBN Fund Manager (Deconcentration and Assistance Tasks) in the Regional Apparatus of East Kalimantan Province will be able to complete the requirements if there are changes to the initial data so that alignment of planning with what is to be achieved can be realized.
The technical discussion at the meeting was explained by resource persons present from the Regional Office of DJPB Kaltim (Mr. Budi Lesmana) and KPPN Samarinda (Mr. Dodik).
#kaltimbudget planning
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