
Wednesday, 24 November 2021



701 times seen

Coordination of Evaluation of Regional Budget Absorption Year 2021

Samarinda, 22/11/2021. Head of PPed Rina Juliati along with staff attended the Coordination Meeting of Budget Evaluation with 2021 Virtual

This activity was opened by the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian and attended by local governments throughout Indonesia, also appeared to attend the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati.

This activity aims to unite the steps and strategies for the acceleration of the realization of the TA 2021 regional budget absorption to stimulate economic growth in the area

Tito conveyed the realization of regional revenue as of November 2021 Some provinces have quite good achievements above 80%, for the province of East Kalimantan itself Tito presents the revenue realization of revenue to reach 70%-79%.

In his direction Tito said that his party could understand in the current situation of the regional government experiencing income contraction. And in general the realization of provincial and district/city income has decreased.