Coordination of Regional Development Innovation for East Kalimantan Province in 2022/2023
Friday, 03/06/2022. Head of Regional Development Planning, Control and Evaluation, Mrs. Rina Juliati, S.Si., M.Si chaired the 2022/2023 Regional Development Innovation Coordination Meeting which was held face to face at the Four Point Hotel Balikpapan. This coordination meeting has an agenda for discussion regarding the creation, utilization and development of regional development innovations for 2022/2023 in order to strengthen the substance of the RKPD for East Kalimantan Province for 2023. This meeting was attended by all structural officials of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda as well as representatives from several regional government apparatus. East Kalimantan Province such as Balitbangda, Kesbangpol, Disnakertrans, Diskominfo, DPTH, DPMPTSP, Disbun and also East Kalimantan Province Disnakkeswan.
On this occasion, Mrs. Rina said that in the delivery and implementation of innovations that are developed, they must contain the goals, objectives, novelty of the innovations being developed, the logical framework, the stages involved systematic, explanation of input, explanation of process, explanation of output, explanation of outcomes and impacts, stakeholders involved, regulatory support (Perda, Pergub, SK and others), monitoring and evaluation of implementation, as well as potential for replication and sustainability in the future.
Broadly speaking, innovation criteria can be categorized into (1) Novelty (uniqueness of ideas, new approaches, modification of existing innovations), (2) Effectiveness (real achievements and solutions), (3) Useful (solves public problems), (4) Transferable (innovation can be replicated by other UPPs), (5) Sustainable (supports the sustainability of innovation).
It was further stated that the regional development innovation carried out must produce new products, new processes and new systems based on ideas and creativity from all regional stakeholders, not an initiation from donor agencies or Central government. Apart from that, the innovations developed are also aimed at strengthening planning and strengthening the process of achieving regional development targets. The innovations developed must also be in line with the theme of the 2023 East Kalimantan Province RKPD, namely "Increasing Productivity to Realize Inclusive and Sustainable Regional Social and Economic Resilience Within the Framework of a Sovereign East Kalimantan".