
Tuesday, 09 February 2021



761 times seen

Coordination of the preparation of RANWAL Documents for Changes to the RPJMD, Ranwal Renstra and Renja Regional Apparatus Scope of Economics in 2022

Samarinda, (08/02/2021). Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province together with Regional Apparatus in the Economic Sector carried out coordination in order to refine the material of the Draft Amendment to the RPJMD in the Economic Sector by taking into account the 2020-2024 RPJMN.

The Provincial Bappeda will pay close attention to proposed activity programs that are of concern to Regional Apparatus. At this stage we are at the Initial Design of Changes to the RPJMD stage, where there are still stages of Design and Final Design, "Bappeda will look at the proposed program of activities and sub-activities as well as targets "Targets that will be included in the Regional Apparatus Strategic Plan," explained the Head of Bappeda when giving a presentation on this coordination activity.

According to the message of the Minister of National Development Planning/Bappenas during the 2021 Pre-Rakorgub Meeting last Friday, investment and exports are the keys to recovery in 2022. For this reason, the Government's Work Plan is directed at four things, namely Poverty, Employment, Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises, and Industry.

RKP 2022 continues seven national development priorities with 10 Major Projects, including Digital Transformation, Increasing the Role of MSMEs, Industrial Areas and 31 Smelters, Development of 10 Tourist Destinations, Food Estates, Renewable Energy, Major Projects in the Papua Region, Integrated Main Port Network, National Health System and, National Capital.

(Public Relations of Bappeda Kaltim/Fat/Editor:Sukandar, S.Sos)