
Sunday, 17 April 2022



576 kali dilihat

Visit of the Student Executive Board (BEM Visiting) of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Mulawarman University, Period 22

Thursday, 04/14/2022. Head of Agency, Head of Division, Head of Sub-Section and Staff of the Economy and Natural Resources Division of Bappeda East Kalimantan Province received a visit to the "BEM VISITING" activity by the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics & Business (BEM FEB) Mulawarman University for the 2022 Period at Bappeda Province. East Kalimantan


During the visit, BEM FEB Unmul wanted to obtain information on the development progress of East Kalimantan Province which was linked to the role of the East Kalimantan Bappeda in achieving planned development targets.


Prof. Dr. Ir. H. M. Aswin, MM conveyed an overview of the policy direction and development targets for East Kalimantan which have been outlined in the annual (RKPD) and five-year development planning documents (RPJMD).


He also conveyed about the National Capital Development (IKN) which had a big impact on the economy of East Kalimantan. So it is important for the people of East Kalimantan (especially students) to oversee and participate in the development of IKN so that it can further advance East Kalimantan.


An overview of the development of the East Kalimantan economy, which since 2007 has still depended on coal and oil and gas as the support for the East Kalimantan economy, was also presented. However, it is realized that coal and oil and gas are limited natural resources and cannot be renewed, so of course East Kalimantan must and is working towards economic transformation within the 2010-2030 target time and increasing technological innovation within the 2030-2050 target time.







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