Wuppertal Institute Gender Specialist Visit to Study Gender Issues in the Energy Transition in East Kalimantan
Samarinda, (23/08/2023). Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the Head of the Economic and Natural Resources Division, Mr. Wahyu Gatut Purboyo, received a visit from Gender specialist from Wuppertal Institute, Kerstin Mohr and facilitated discussions between GIZ and relevant stakeholders within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government (which consists of elements from Bapelitbang, ESDM Service, DKP3A, Disperindagkop, BKOW, Unmul Women's Empowerment Center, TGUP3, and Mitra Hijau Foundation) regarding gender issues in the energy transition in East Kalimantan.
The discussion was held as a follow-up to the Innovation Regions for a Just Energy Transition (IKI-JET) cooperation agreement between the Indonesian Government and the German Government at a cooperation planning meeting construction on November 18 2021. The IKI-JET collaboration is carried out by the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas and GIZ with a focus on activities in the provinces of East Kalimantan and South Sumatra. Following the German Government's assignment to GIZ, implementation in Indonesia will begin in January 2023.
The IKI-JET collaboration in East Kalimantan aims to support the East Kalimantan Provincial Government in anticipating the impact of the coal transition through regional planning and developing regional economic transformation efforts.< /p>
Wuppertal Institute, as part of the IKI-JET Consortium and in line with the cooperation matrix agreed in Bandung on 26-27 July 2023, is conducting a study on status of the coal mining industry in East Kalimantan (and South Sumatra) and its relationship to a just energy transition which is scheduled to be completed next month
This study is very important to provide more in-depth information about the role of coal in the socio-economic life of East Kalimantan to estimate the potential impact of the coal transition policy.
Based on international experience in studies in Colombia, the coal transition has different impacts on men and women. Therefore, Gender specialist from the Wuppertal Institute, Kerstin Mohr, visited and held discussions with relevant stakeholders within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government to understand the potential impact from a gender perspective.