
Tuesday, 07 December 2021



2017 times seen

East Kalimantan Governor's visit to the location of PT Rea Kaltim's Bio Massa Power Plant

Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda accompanied the East Kalimantan Governor reviewing the location of the Bio Mass Power Plant built by PT Rea Kaltim Plantations on Monday, December 6, 2021. This visit was one of the agendas of the Agenda of the Governor of East Kalimantan Governor's Working Agenda to the Rural, River and Lake in Kutai Kartanegara District.

Biogas Manager of PT Rea Kaltim Plantations explains that the construction of the Biomass Power Plant that has been built in collaboration with PLN with a capacity of 7 MW, is able to help around 45% of the electricity needs of the community which includes Kembang Kembang Janggut, Tabang and kenikan with approximately 25 (twenty five) villages.

This power plant utilizes liquid waste that is processed into electricity. This is a form of good renewable energy utilization to be emulated by other companies, especially in managing the waste produced to be positive.

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