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2015 Bappenas Work Visit

Samarinda, 28/12/2015. Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN) of the Republic of Indonesia/National Development Planning Agency Participants in a working visit from Bappenas are led by Fedilia Silvana from the Directorate Bappenas region development with IKA Norlela Sofa members, Setya Rusidianto and Setpa Mulyono and was also attended by the Central Statistics Agency of East Kalimantan Province, Qunardi Irianto and participants from the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda from the Regional Development Infrastructure, the Regional Development Assessment and Financing, Statistics and Development control, and secretariat.

Discussion of the Focus Group Discussion Agenda Data Management Activities and Commemoration Information Based Spatial begins with a presentation from Bappenas by delivering regional data and information in supporting regional planning and development by supporting the SIMREG Online Application (Information and Management System of Regional Basic Data). The Simreg Bappenas application is divided into two basic data groups, namely national basic data and regional basic data.

Basic regional data is divided into seven (7) regional basic data groups, namely:
1. Basic Basic Regional Kalimantan;
2. Regional Sumatra;
3. Regional Sulawesi;
4. Regional Papua;
5. Regional Javanese Bali;
6. Regional Nusa Tenggara;
7. Regional Maluku.

Bappenas expects regional involvement in delivering the data needed in the context of regional development and will always adjust to Regional data.

In addition, in the presentation of the Bappenas delivered 4 important points, among others:
< span style = "font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"> 1. Data and regional information as a basis for the preparation of development policies;
2. Benefits of regional database development for regional interests;
3. Regional input for the development of Bappenas Regional Database;
4. Bappenas Regional Database.

Based on these 4 points have a greater goal that is towards Indonesia which is much better, namely:
1. Pursuing increased competitiveness;
2. Improving human quality, including through mental development;
3. Utilize and restore lost potential in the maritime and maritime sectors;
4. Increase economic growth with a strong and quality base;
5. Reduce inequality between regions;
6. Restore environmental damage;
7. Advance social life.

While the national development strategy is in accordance with the norms of the development of the Working Cabinet, among others:
< span style = "font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"> 1. Build for humans and society;
2. Efforts to improve welfare, prosperity, productivity must not create increasingly widening inequality. Special attention is given to an increase in the productivity of the lower middle class, without obstructing, inhibiting, shrinking and reducing the flexibility of large actors to continue to be a growth agent;
3. Development activities must not damage, reduce the carrying capacity of the environment and ecosystem balance.

Regional data and information so far has become the Deputy for Regional Development and Regional Data and Information Management in the Regional Data and Information Unit in the Regional Development Directorate has been developed since 1998.

Benefits of Regional Database Development for the benefit of the region, among others:
1. The regional database can be accessed and utilized continuously as a source of information for planning needs and various development analysis;
2. The regional database can be used as a guide and basis for analysis in preparing and formulating future regional development policies;
3. Regional databases can be a means to synergize the basis of planning at the center or region;
4. The regional database can be a means of two -way communication, especially in providing input for the central government related to the potential and development problems faced by regional governments as material for the formulation of development policies by the central government.

Expect local governments of regional databases include:
a. Quality of data and information, or expected development and analysis of development? Expected Analysis Unit?
c. Improvement and improvement of regional database applications related to data structures, variables, presentation forms, and outputs as needed for planning in the center and region
d. Content enrichment, data analysis models, and presentation of output for improvement and refinement of public development analysis and regional development profiles in numbers (PDDA).
2. Data accuracy
a. The accuracy of the data and information presented?
3. Data Services
a. Ease of accessing regional data and information?
b. Problems faced in accessing data?
c. Integration of central and regional database systems, so far the data and information systems are still being carried out individually.

While the needs and support in the development of the Bappenas Regional Database, namely:
1. Contribution and role of local governments in providing data and information quickly, precisely, and accurately for updating regional databases;
2. Development issues and developing problems (economic, infrastructure, environment, etc.) as input in the preparation of regional development analysis; and
3. Good coordination between the central and regional governments in providing data and information for planning.

Simreg (Information System and Management of Regional Basic Data) is a means of providing online data and information, and supporting planning and decision making.

Content application includes various data and information, namely: 1). Regional Info; 2). Publication; 3. Regional profile; 4. Photo & Video Gallery; 5. Criticism & Suggestions; 6. Data Tools.

Public Relations Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan/Sukandar, S. Sos.