
Tuesday, 19 October 2021



1126 times seen

East Kalimantan Governor's Working Visit to Klempang Sari Village, Kuaro District, Paser Regency

Friday, October 15, 2021. The Governor of East Kalimantan visited Klempang Sari Village, Kuaro District

Some of the agendas carried out include:

  1. Submission of assistance from the East Kalimantan Provincial Government;
  2. PREFITION OF SIGNS OF MSME Training Participants (Disperindagkop);
  3. Signing Check Point Inscription;
  4. as well as audience with farmer groups;
  5. The event was accompanied by several related OPD, Bappeda Kaltim, Tgup3, and Paser Regency Government.