East Kalimantan Governor's Working Visit to the Rehabilitation Site of Uninhabitable Houses in Balikpapan City
Saturday, October 16, 2021.
The Governor of East Kalimantan conducted a review at the location of the construction of a livable house.
needs to be informed of uninhabitable houses (RTLH) in East Kalimantan Province totaling 51,722 units spread across 10 districts/cities (based on data from the 2017 TA regional government verification results). The Mandate of the RPJMD of East Kalimantan Province is targeting the handling of uninhabitable houses of 25,000 units with the form of improving the quality of the house. Handling in 2019 to 2020 has reached 43% with a total handling of 10,823 units through the collaboration of the APBN Budget, Provincial APBD and Regency/City APBD.
was also present to accompany the Head of the East Kalimantan Provincial PUPR & Pera Office, Bappeda Kaltim along with a group of governor's working visit to the southern region.