Saturday, 12 February 2022
Working Visit of the KPK RI, BPKP RI, AGO RI, Criminal Investigation Police, TNI and Bappenas to the IKN location
Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda (Mrs. Charmarijaty, ST, M.Sc) representing the Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, accompanied the Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan to receive a group of working visits to the IKN location consisting of the Indonesian KPK, BPKP RI, the Republic of Indonesia Prosecutor (11/02/2022).
also attended the activity, the East Kalimantan Police Chief and Deputy Chief of Police, Head of the Provincial PUPR Office. Kaltim, and the Head of the Adbang Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of Prov. Kaltim.
The purpose of the implementation of this activity is in order to prevent and minimize deviations that can occur in the development of IKN. On the agenda of a working visit to this zero point, a meeting agenda was also carried out in the discussion of the preparation for the development of the IKN which was focused on the discussion of aspects of risk and mitigation in the development of IKN.
Some things that can be summarized from the results of the discussion include
(1) Implementation Regulations (Government Regulations and Presidential Regulations) After the stipulation of the IKN Bill became the IKN Law on January 18, 2022, then in the process of preparing/discussion.
(2) risk management in the development of IKN must pay attention to the principles of collaborative, proactive, transparent, coordinated, and integrated.
(3) The Risk Management Committee will be formed to ensure accountability and clear implementation plans.
(4) Risks and mitigation in the development of IKN need to consider in terms of socio-cultural, bureaucratic and governance conditions, as well as safeguarding the quality of land and bay resources (environment).
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