Working Visit of the Bontang City DPRD LKPJ Special Committee
The Bontang City DPRD LKPJ Special Committee paid a working visit to the Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province on Friday (25/03/2022).
4 Members of the Special Committee who attended the working visit were received by the Head of the PPEPD Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, Hj. Rina Juliaty, S.Si., M.Si. accompanied by Head of Control, Evaluation and Reporting Subdivision, Berlin Friniko Sihaloho, S.E. and elements from the Government and Regional Autonomy Bureau which was attended by the Head of Government Apparatus and Regional Autonomy Dra. Endang S., S.E., M.Si.
The aim and objective of the working visit of the Bontang City DPRD LKPJ Special Committee is related to coordination in evaluating the Bontang Mayor's LKPJ for the 2021 Fiscal Year.
“The Bontang City DPRD through the Bontang City DPRD LKPJ Special Committee will carry out an Evaluation of the Bontang City LKPJ for the 2021 Fiscal Year to provide input on the Bontang City Government programs contained in the RPJMD under the leadership of the Mayor of Bontang, Mr. Basri Rase which has been running for 1 year," said Mr. Bachtiar as Chair of the Special Committee in front of all meeting participants.
Therefore, this Special Committee conducted a working visit to obtain input from the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, in this case the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda regarding this matter.
"The coordinator for the preparation of the LKPJ, the Governor of East Kalimantan since 2021 has moved from Bappeda to the East Kalimantan Regional Secretariat's Government, Border and Autonomy Bureau (PPOD), so that at this meeting the Head of the Apparatus Division was also present. "Government and Regional Autonomy to work together in providing input to the Special Committee regarding the evaluation of the Bontang City LKPJ," said Mrs. Rina, Head of PPEPD Bappeda, East Kalimantan Province.
It was further stated that the East Kalimantan Provincial Government through the East Kalimantan Bappeda has facilitated the Preparation and Evaluation of Regency/City RPJMD, including Bontang, which of course will correlate with the RKPD implemented by Regional Apparatus and related with LKPJ Regional Head.
In order to align the programs and activities of the Provincial Government with the districts/cities, the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda has also held the East Kalimantan Province Development Plan Technical Coordination Meeting (Rakortekrenbang) on 14 - 17 March 2022 . And in the near future, East Kalimantan Pra and Musrenbang will be implemented to establish synergy in future development planning.
“The performance achievements of regional heads both in the Province and in the District/City, especially in the City of Bontang, are greatly influenced and supported by the performance of the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD). "Therefore, the evaluation of the Regional Head's LKPJ which will be carried out by the Special Committee will of course also be supported by the performance of the Regional Apparatus in Bontang City," explained Mrs. Endang as Head of the Government Apparatus and Regional Autonomy Division who served as the coordinator of the preparation of the East Kalimantan Governor's LKPJ.
And the results of coordination between the LKPJ Special Committee of the Bontang City DPRD and elements from the Provincial Government. East Kalimantan (Bappeda and PPOD Bureau) will be input and consideration in evaluating the Bontang City LKPJ for the 2021 Fiscal Year.
"We as the LKPJ Special Committee will use the input from the results of this working visit and become our material in conducting an evaluation of the LKPJ to the Mayor of Bontang so that we can work together and synergize to build the City of Bontang with Love," explained the Chairman. Special Committee
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