
Wednesday, 12 October 2022



679 times seen

FTP UGM Senate Work Visit to Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan

Located in the Meeting Room of the Poldas Mrs. Charmarijaty Secretary Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan together with the Head of Functional Division Planner received a Senate visit of the Faculty of Agriculture Technology (FTP) of Gajah Mada University (UGM) as many as sixteen people, Wednesday (12/10/2022).


revealed by the head of the group Prof. Dr. Umar Santoso, M.Sc this visit aims to establish friendship and explore the possibility of cooperation between Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan with the Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM.


On this occasion FTP UGM delivered several superior research delivered by Mrs. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Rahajoe, M.Sc mainly in superior studies concerning agricultural technology, agroindustry development, food process food manufacture, and some cooperation that has been formed.


regarding agricultural technology is done by implementing smart farming in the rice business cluster. Further explained, Smart Farming uses censorship devices in the weather, applications for farmers, the development of GPS -based tracking systems to evaluate the effectiveness of land treatment using four -wheeled tractors, as well as modernizing irrigation.


For the FTP UGM agro industry, the soybean agroindustry smart integrated, with the development of functional food product agro-industry from local tempe. The products produced in the form, instant tempeh, can cans, tempeh chips, and brownies. Then for food process implementing glucomanan extraction technology in food products such as processing porang, as well as developing starter culture for halal yogurt-like that contains probiotics.


Speaking of cooperation, FTP UGM has collaborated with various countries, and partnered with several companies and ministries in Indonesia such as local governments, PT.Kalbe, PT. LNK and others, as well as research collaboration with Ghen University Belgium, University of Cadiz Spain and Jircas Japan.


at the end of the meeting Prof. Umar said that after this there was a follow -up in the form of cooperation from Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan with FTP UGM.

#baped mutiled