
Monday, 06 June 2022



609 kali dilihat

Regency DPRD Team 1 Working Visit. West Kutai Regarding Coordination with the East Kalimantan CSR Forum

Thursday, 02/06/2022. Secretary, Head of Division and Head of Sub-Division of the Provincial Bappeda. East Kalimantan received a Working Visit from Team 1 of the District DPRD. West Kutai Regarding Coordination with the East Kalimantan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Forum. The meeting was also attended by the Provincial Plantation Service. East Kalimantan, Provincial Energy and Mineral Resources Department. East Kalimantan, the Economic Bureau of the Regional Secretariat of East Kalimantan, the East Kalimantan Livable Homes Management Agency and the Food Management Agency for Greening East Kalimantan. The meeting took place in the Provincial Bappeda Regional Police Meeting Room. East Kalimantan


East Kalimantan is known for its wealth of natural resources, but unfortunately this is not matched by regional infrastructure. Therefore, CSR funds should be maximized on infrastructure, including livable houses and connecting roads between cities/districts.


Apart from that, it was also found that a company reported CSR funds that were not in accordance with the relevant department, so further coordination was needed.

The Secretary responded that there would be reclamation as a form of supporting the local economy by focusing on the potential of West Kutai which is one of the IKN golden triangles (Penajam, West Kutai and Kutai Kartanegara) supported by free land .





#connecting road


#capital of the archipelago


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