Workshop Strengthening Provincial Policy in Encouraging Acceleration of Sanitation Development in the Region
Jakarta, 09 - 11 June 2021. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, represented by the Infrastructure and Regional Sector, attended the Workshop on Strengthening Provincial Policy in Encouraging the Acceleration of Sanitation Development in the Region which was organized by the Directorate General of Regional Development, Ministry of Home Affairs at the Yuan Garden Hotel, Central Jakarta. This meeting was attended by 17 (seventeen) provinces from elements of Bappeda and the PU/Perkim Department. The speakers presented were from the Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, the Indonesian Ministry of PUPR and the Indonesian Ministry of Health.
The aim of this activity is to facilitate the Provincial Government in formulating and scheduling the preparation of supporting policies and regulations that will have a positive impact on sanitation development in its region.
Housing, Settlement, Sanitation and Waste Development (PPSP) is one of the National Priority Programs in the 2020-2024 RPJMN and 2030 SDGs. The 2020-2024 PPSP RPJMN target is 70% Access to housing households in habitable houses, 90% of households have access to adequate sanitation (including 15% access to safe sanitation), 0% open defecation practices in the open, and urban households have access to waste management in the form of 80% handling and 20% reduction. Based on data processed by Bappenas, national achievement data throughout Indonesia in 2020: domestic wastewater access has only reached 79.53%, decent access (including 7.64% safe access), 6.19% open defecation practices, Waste Access (2019 ) just achieved 54.85% Treatment and 0.88% Reduction. For East Kalimantan Province, the achievement of adequate access to sanitation (domestic wastewater) has reached 89.1% (including 13% access to safe sanitation), and open defecation practices have reached 1.83% of the target of 0%.
The issue of sanitation development is currently not yet a development priority in the region, including technical, institutional, regulatory, community participation and funding. In an effort to fulfill the National Sanitation Access Target (PPSP) in the Province, strategies need to be implemented, namely increasing institutional capacity in sanitation management services, increasing the commitment of regional heads to sustainable sanitation services, developing residential sanitation infrastructure and services in accordance with regional characteristics and needs, increasing behavioral changes communities in achieving safe access to sanitation, and developing cooperation and funding patterns.
The strategy is to increase the commitment of Regional Heads by ensuring the completeness of regulations, policies and their enforcement, incentive mechanisms and provision of subsidies, determining the payment of levy rates, prioritization and providing ease of service fulfillment, as well as a coordination network Regional Head.
The priority objectives of Sanitation Policy in this Region are to encourage increased safe access in districts/cities, utilize alternative funding mixes, eliminate the practice of defecation in the open, strengthen coordination and institutional management of sanitation, and adapt with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Apart from that, the main thing in the Sanitation management policy in the region is that it needs to be supported by regulations/regulations including the Regional Regulation on Domestic Waste Water Management, Regional Regulation on Waste Management, Regional Regulation on Regional Revenue and Regional Levy.
The new sanitation management regulations in East Kalimantan Province have: Waste strategy policy (Jakstra) through East Kalimantan Gubernatorial Regulation No. 75 of 2020 concerning Regional Policies and Strategies for Household Waste Management; Circular Letter of the Governor of East Kalimantan No 658.1/5219/BPPD/Bangda concerning the implementation of Community-Based Integrated Sanitation (STBM); Draft Sanitation Roadmap for Katim Province 2012 (Still including 4 districts/cities of North Kalimantan). And it is planned that in 2021 a Domestic Wastewater Master Plan (Rapergub) will be prepared by the PUPR Service, in 2022 a Regional Waste Draft Regulation by DLH, and a Regional Waste Water Master Plan (Rapergub) by the PUPR Service.
The important tasks of the Provincial Government in implementing PPSP are ensuring regional priorities in achieving sanitation development targets, the availability of strategic planning documents (SSK, RSP), supervision of RAKORTEK as part of the synchronization process and harmonization of the center and regions to achieve development targets, internalization/integration of strategic planning content in documents and sub-districts (RPJPD, RPJMD, RKPD and APBD), as well as supervision of the musrenbang process from the Village to the Province.
Support for accelerated PPSP by the Ministry of PUPR, for the development of sanitation infrastructure for both provinces and districts/cities which can be funded through the APBN, what the local government needs is: Submission of proposals according to the district/city sanitation planning documents ( SSK, RSP and Master Plan), Socialization and education to the community regarding Sanitation and Readiness Criteria readiness (Decent Land, Environmental Documents, DED); Preparing the installation of house connections for IPAL on a residential and city scale; As well as preparing costs for maintenance operations (OP), management institutions (operators), regulations, human resources and supporting infrastructure (garbage trucks and waste trucks).
For information, the Central Government through the Ministry of Health is giving the STBM (Community Based Total Sanitation) Award to trigger regions to innovate in sanitation management. The STBM support category is the full support of the Regional Head regarding STBM through the RPJMD, Renja SKPD and Renja Kesling; STBM budget available from various sources (BOK, CSR, APBD, APBN); there is a Working Group that supports STBM activities; there are Sanitation Entrepreneurs (WUsan) who are trained and monitored; and increasing sanitarian capacity in implementing the five pillars of STBM.
The conclusion of the implementation of this activity is that it is necessary to strengthen provincial regulations and policies in accordance with the need to create a conducive situation in optimizing the implementation of sanitation development in the regions; In order to implement regional domestic waste and wastewater management, a quality service management operator institution is needed; Preparing and updating the Provincial Sanitation Roadmap which is the province's guide in determining direction and policy in its region; Provinces are expected to use their roles and functions in the context of coordination, advocacy, advisory, facilitation, supervision and synchronization of district/city SSK implementation in the implementation of the PPSP program so that the target of access to adequate and safe sanitation can be achieved; It needs to be followed up at the level of the Working Group in charge of Sanitation and each regional apparatus as well as providing input for PPSP program managers at the central level in determining PPSP program policies.