Thursday, 15 December 2022
Night of the 2022 East Kalimantan Province Public Information Openness Award
Wednesday, 14/12/2022. Plt. Head of General Subdivision of Bappeda for East Kalimantan Province (Mr. Jerry Pahlevy Mahakam, S.E) attended the "2022 East Kalimantan Province Public Information Openness Awarding Night" which was held at the Bumi Senyiur hotel, Samarinda City.
This event, which was initiated by the Information Commission (Central and East Kalimantan Province) in collaboration with the East Kalimantan Province Diskominfo, is an annual event in the context of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of public information disclosure in public bodies in Indonesia. This is in accordance with the mandate of the Public Information Openness Law Number 14 of 2008.
This event was attended by Regional Apparatus within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, Regency and City Governments throughout East Kalimantan as well as Vertical Agencies located in the East Kalimantan Province Working Area.
The Governor of East Kalimantan (Mr. Isran Noor) was present to give a speech and open the event. In his speech, the Governor said that on the same day, East Kalimantan Province received the 2022 KIP award in the Informative Provincial Government category which was handed over at the Atria Hotel Tangerang Banten with an IKIP achievement of 95.93. This indicates that East Kalimantan Province is very serious about increasing openness of public information in the region.
The Governor of East Kalimantan also asked all Regional Apparatus within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government as public bodies to improve public information services to the public through digital transformation facilities because good information services will increase public trust in the government.
On this occasion, 3 (three) Regional Apparatuses within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government who succeeded in receiving the 2022 KIP award in the Informative Regional Apparatus category included Dispora, Disbun and BPKAD Prov. East Kalimantan.
Meanwhile, Bappeda Provincial. East Kalimantan, which currently has not had the opportunity to win this award, remains committed and optimistic to continue to improve and improve the performance of its services in public information disclosure so that in the future it can be better and best.
#2022 Kaltim public information openness award night
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