Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Mega bontang oil refinery project
Samarinda, Tuesday 5/4/2016. City of Bontang is one of the cities in East Kalimantan being a hot conversation among participants East Kalimantan Musrenbang 2016 in the context of the preparation of the East Kalimantan Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) in 2017 because it is likened to getting a collapsed durian where other regions or districts/cities in East Kalimantan are so expecting the awareness of large investors both from abroad and domestically in the middle of the economy-lowering Globat which also has an impact on the regions, the City of Bontang is one of the selected places for the Mega Project Processing Oil or Oil Refinery Unit by Pertamina.
quoting the news at with the title Mega Pertamina Oil Refinery Project in Bontang City that according to information from PT. Pertamina will consider funds of 120 trillion for the refinery project and the planned development process will begin in 2017.
In the results of a meeting between the Bontang City Government and the DPRD and the central government stated that indeed since the beginning of the City of Bontang it was prioritized for this refinery project. The decision has been adjusted to several aspects so that finally Bontang was declared ready to accept this project and in the future it will serve the supply of fuel products (BBM) and LPG to several regions in Eastern Indonesia.
The business currently being realized by the Bontang City Government is to speed up the necessary permits such as IMB (Building Permit), land acquisition and regional development permits based on urban spatial planning. / P>
This Bontang oil refinery will be built in the land area of PT. The NGL rhino covering an area of 550 hectares with a work time of about four years. The plan is that the refinery will have a capacity of 300,000 barrels/day, if this is this, it is certain that this new refinery will exceed the Balikpapan oil refinery which only has a capacity of 260,000 barrels per day.
Bontang City Government program that will make the City of Bontang become an industrial area seems to be in line with the Pertamina oil refinery construction project. Later, if the new oil refinery is officially operating, it will increase the amount of national fuel oil production by 300,000 barrels and is expected to absorb 10,000 workers both the level of expert workers and coarse power.
Seeing the most of the number of workers who can be absorbed, of course, make many people await or hope that the Bontang oil refinery building project will quickly be completed and immediately operates. I myself hope that one day the graduates of petroleum engineering from the East Kalimantan Higher Education College can have a career/work on this new refinery considering that more and more East Kalimantan young people continue their level of education in the field of oil engineering.
Please note that currently Bontang has has several large-scale industrial sectors that are quite famous in Indonesia such as Bontang PKT (Pupuk Kaltim Bontang) and Liquid Natural Gas Company PT. Rhino ngl. In addition to the oil and gas and petrochemical sectors, the city also has a coal mining area such as the mining location of PT. Indominco.
With the Bontang oil refinery construction project, it will certainly make the community especially in East Kalimantan hopes that in the future the scarcity of fuel that still often occurs in various regions can be minimized, because it is truly unfortunate and will be heard Strange if the city that has an oil and gas processing unit is still experiencing scarcity of fuel oil and other processed oil products. According to the quote from with the title Mega Pertamina Oil Refinery Project in Bontang City.
While the Mayor of Bontang Hj. Neni Moerniaeni on the occasion of the presentation at the East Kalimantan Provincial Musrenbang event in 2016 in the context of the preparation of the 2017 East Kalimantan RKPD at the Sempaja Samarinda Convention Hall, Monday 4/4/2016 that the Bontang City Government was ready to receive the Mega Project Processing Oil or Oil Refinery Unit in Bontang City and will accelerate all licensing processes and land disorders. Said the Mayor of Bontang.
while based on a quote from that the commitment of the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) government is accelerating the construction of oil refineries in Bontang, East Kalimantan and the Petrochemical Industrial Estate in Tuban, East Java is expected to reduce dependence Indonesia on imports of fuel oil (BBM). Without oil refineries, this country will certainly be the largest fuel importer in the world.
In line with the expression of the Deputy for Energy, Logistics, Areas and Tourism of the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Edwin Hidayat Abdullah that, in the Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP), the government and Pertamina will increase the production capacity of oil refineries that have been running in Cilacap, Balikpapan and Dumai.
In addition, the construction project of two new refineries in Bontang, East Kalimantan and in the Petrochemical Industrial Estate, Tuban, East Java. "The construction of oil refineries is a necessity for Indonesia. Because, this country since more than 20 years ago has not built oil refineries," he explained in Jakarta, Tuesday (9/2/2016). According to the quote from with the title without building a new refinery, RI could be the biggest BBM importer.
temporarily based on a quote from that PT Pertamina (Persero) was appointed as the person in charge of the refinery construction project in Bontang, East Kalimantan. The project will be carried out by a state -owned oil company with a business entity. "Pertamina will look for partners of private business entities," said Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said after attending a Coordination Meeting on the Follow Up Development of the Bontang Refinery in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 9, 2016.
To support Pertamina's work, said Sudirman, the government asked the Ministry of Finance to choose an international consultant in the auction process and seek inevstor. "We are targeting October this year to be decided by its partners. Once the Ministry of Finance appoints an international consultant, Pertamina has been able to work with the team (enthusiasts) to conduct an auction," he said.
he said, the government had prepared an area of 600 hectares, adequate infrastructure and tax incentives in the form of tax holiday. Provision of tax relief can be extended for up to 15 years to attract investors.
Sudirman hopes that the project can be in harmony with refineries in Tuban (East Java) and Arun (Aceh). Both refineries are in the restructuring process in order to increase national oil production capacity. "With that decision, large projects related to refineries have begun to roll and hopefully can be a driver of investment and economic turnover," he said. Sources according to the quote from with the title Working on the Bontang Refinery Project, Pertamina will hold investors. (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).