Monev Alert by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan was represented by the Young Expert Planner Sub -coordinator of Data and Information Analysis, Mr. Muhammad Hamsani, ST, M.Sc and the staff received a visit from the Ministry of LHK of the Republic of Indonesia in the framework of monitoring and evaluation in the GSCC room Lt.3 Bappeda Office Prov. Kaltim.
This activity was attended by Bappelitbang Timur Kutai, Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia Kalimantan Forest Project.
as alert information (geospatial information system of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry) is a system of administration of thematic geospatial information (IGT) KLHK scope together, orderly, measurable, integrated and continuous data.
Database on the KLHK SIGAP is used as a source of data for forestry information systems for planning, management, implementation and control activities, and monitoring including forest areas, land closure, and other activities at the national and sub-national levels.
In this meeting it can be identified several obstacles found during the data upload process in the swift, first, imperfect data is uploaded because there are things that are not right in the alert system. Second, BRGM experiences similar problems when uploading data in the swift, and the problem is in the coordinates that are not appropriate.
It is expected that there will be cooperation in data integration with regencies/cities other than Kutim Regency in East Kalimantan, for example cooperation with the Berau Regency Government because Berau Regency Government is very concerned about the quality of IGT. In addition, it is hoped that there will be a meeting to discuss the Matrix in charge of the operation and data on the data aimed at perfecting the alacrity and Geoportal of East Kalimantan.
Closing this meeting Mr. Hamsani delivered the initiation of awards in the form of Bhumandala Etam in East Kalimantan Province to assess the quality of IGT in their respective regions. The scope of the assessment will be from districts / cities to private development partners, assessment based on Big applications namely Simojang.
#System of Formation of NEOSPASIALKLHK
##System of the Movement of Information IneospasialTemygt