Musrenbang RKPD Kab. Berau in 2023
Head of Division and Natural Resources of Bappeda East Kalimantan, Ir. Hj. Hidayanti Darma, M.P, representing the Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda became a guest speaker at the Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbang) event in the framework of the preparation of the Berau Regency RKPD in 2023 which was carried out virtually and directly in the meeting room of the Mufakat District. Berau, Thursday (07/04/2022).
The event that was opened directly by the Regent of Berau, Hj. Sri Juniarsih Mas was attended by 60 participants who attended virtually from the elements of the Regional Apparatus Scope of the Berau Regency Government, Berau DPRD, Private Representatives, Regional Companies, Organizations, Community Leaders, and NGOs.
This Musrenbang was carried out in the context of the improvement of the RKPD Kab. Berau became the final design of RKPD Kab. Berau in 2023 in accordance with the mandate of Permendagri No. 86 of 2017.
Head of Division and Natural Resources of Bappeda East Kalimantan, Ir. Hj. Hidayanti Darma, M.P, conveyed a explanation of the response to the direction of the Balikpapan City Development Policy in the RKPD in 2023.
"In the preparation of the RKPD draft, it is important to align the priority of provincial and district/city development priorities based on the East Kalimantan Governor Circular Number 050/2042/B.PpePD-BAPP/2022 concerning The alignment of development priorities in the preparation of the Regional Government Work Plan (RKPD) of East Kalimantan Province and Regency/City in 2023 ", was conveyed by the Head of Economy and SDA Bappeda Kaltim.
further conveyed, for alignment of macro targets, district government. Berau needs to pay attention and harmonize with the Macro Target of East Kalimantan Province which includes several indicators, including the Human Development Index (77.75), poverty rate (5.90%), Open Unemployment Rate (6.5%), the rate of economic growth (3 , 5 ± 1%), GRDP per capita (185 million rupiah), gini index (0.308), and environmental quality index (76.15).
Another important thing is the alignment of development priorities that contain the substance of aligning the themes and priorities of development as well as the direction of the Berau Regency Regional Development Policy.
As information, further discussion regarding the alignment of regional development priorities will be carried out at the East Kalimantan Province RKPD Musrenbang Forum in 2023 which is planned to be held on April 20, 2022