
Tuesday, 28 March 2023



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Musrenbang RKPD West Kutai Regency in 2024

Barong Tongkok, 21/03/2023. Head of the Economy and Natural Resources, Mr. Wahyu Gatut Purboyo, S.Pi, M.Sc, attended the Musrenbang RKPD 2024 West Kutai Regency as a guest speaker at the Aji Tulur Kejangkat Sendawar Building


This event was opened by the Regional Secretary of West Kutai and was attended by all regional apparatus scope of the West Kutai Regency Government, DPRD, FRKD, and stakeholders.


In his presentation Mr. Wahyu conveyed that in the macroeconomic condition of West Kutai Regency has a contribution of 4.71% to the economy of East Kalimantan Province in 2022.


West Kutai Regency is expected to encourage other economic growth in the short term, namely the construction sector, large and retail trade sectors, industry and transportation and warehousing sectors to encourage the movement of goods and services which ultimately opens up downstream space for industries with high value.


Closing his presentation he emphasized the involvement of various parties is very important, given the clear cooperation and division of authority is one of the keys to completing complex development and development issues.


Regional Apparatus can pay attention to various sectoral and non-sectoral regional planning policies that are operational in the preparation of the Renja Draft in 2024


#Planning for the Development ofKaltim2023

#Musrenbangkabangankutaibarat Regency