Musrenbang RKPD Penajam Paser Utara Regency in 2024
Samarinda (03/21/20223) Secretary of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan Pak Saur Parsaoran. T, S.Pi, Memd attended the RKPD Musrenbang Agenda in 2024 Kab. Penajam Paser Utara (PPU) as a guest speaker through Zoom Meeting
On his presentation, Mr. Saur said there was a review of the macroeconomic conditions in Kab. PPU as one of the IKN buffer areas, contributed 1.43% to the economy of East Kalimantan Province in 2022. With the start of the development of the North Paser Regency Economic IKN which was originally dominated by a business field based on natural resources, namely mining and excavation and forestry and fisheries agriculture, in 2022 the construction sector contributed the largest GRDB contribution of 24.11%
As for being monitored from the analysis of regional development macro performance achievements, it can be seen that the East Kalimantan LPE in 2022 is at 4.48%, growing better than 2021 which is 2.55% due to an improvement in economic conditions. LPE PPU in 2022 increased sharply to 14.49%, after the previous year contracted by -1.69%, this was triggered by the development of the IKN region. The business field with the highest growth contribution is the construction sector of 89.82%
#Planning for the Development ofKaltim2023
#Musrenbangkabatanpenajampasutara Regency
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