
Friday, 29 July 2022



896 times seen

East Kalimantan Regional Police Development Planning Deliberation in 2022

Secretary of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Ms. Charmarijaty, ST, M.Si representing the Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, was present as a resource person at the Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbang) in the context of preparing the Police Work Plan in the East Kalimantan Province 2022.


This 2022 Regional Police Musrenbang agenda carries the theme "East Kalimantan Police Precision is ready to support increased productivity for inclusive and sustainable economic transformation". The event was attended by police elements in the East Kalimantan Province (Polda, Polres and Polsek Scope), especially those in charge of program planning.


East Kalimantan Police Chief, Mr. Inspector General Pol Drs. Imam Sugianto, M.Si gave direction as well as opening the implementation of the activity. Some of the things that became his confirmation in his direction to all participants present included the importance of developing program activities that were directed to support national priorities optimally so that they were on target, especially in relation to security on 10 (ten) national major projects in the East Kalimantan region; support for the aspect of economic recovery; Improving the quality of professional professionalism of police human resources; and strengthening the role of the Polsek and Polres in an effort to improve services to the community.


Meanwhile, Ms. Charmarijaty (Mrs. Miss, her nickname) conveyed in her presentation on the role of the Role of the National Police to support the success of national and regional policies, especially in relation to increasing productivity for economic transformation that is inclusive and continuous. The National Police in this case the East Kalimantan Regional Police is very instrumental in maintaining security conducivity in East Kalimantan which will have an impact on the realization of a conducive investment climate in East Kalimantan.


Furthermore, it is also conveyed regarding the description of the problems that are still faced by the Provincial and Regency/City Governments in East Kalimantan, especially in achieving the target of macro development indicators that lead to several fundamental problems such as the high level of poverty, open unemployment, income inequality and decreased environmental quality. The description of these problems needs to be understood so that later in the preparation of program activities carried out by the East Kalimantan Regional Police can also be directed at the resolution of the problems faced.


At the end of the delivery, it was also conveyed about the importance of optimizing the database and identifying the fundamental/concrete problems faced by the East Kalimantan Regional Police before preparing the program of activities that will be run by the East Kalimantan Regional Police so that the program of activities compiled can be more targeted and optimal. Intensive coordination with provincial and district/city governments also need to be carried out for alignment of work plans prepared.


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#Planning for Development of Callets