
Monday, 10 October 2022



1187 times seen

Resource personnel Direction for Development Policy in the Field of Cooperatives and UMKM of East Kalimantan Province

Bappeda Prov.Kaltim was represented by the Head of Economics and SDA Mrs. Hidayanti Darma to be a guest speaker at the Provincial and Regional Level Central Planning Coordination Activities with the theme of Exposure to the Development Policy Direction for the Cooperative and UMKM Prov.Kaltim.


In her presentation, Ms. Hidayanti stated that in the last five years the cooperative sector did not experience significant developments, even the number of active cooperatives had not shown an increase. In 2018 the number of active cooperatives was 3428 and in 2022 the number of active cooperatives was 2884.


he explained the target in PRPJMD 2019-2023 was the increasing economic effort of cooperatives and SMEs with the revitalization strategy of coaching and management of cooperatives and SMEs. Meanwhile the policy direction focused on increasing the institutional capacity of cooperatives and SMEs; Digital -based Cooperative and SME -based market platform market development; Improving product quality; and Facilitating Cooperative and UKM Capital Facilitation.


In its development there are several UMKM problems faced including capital availability, lack of market access, lack of MSME digitization and decline in people's purchasing power

MSME guidance carried out is the assistance of licensing; online marketing assistance and use of IT; Product processing assistance; access to production raw materials; MSME Financial Administration Bookkeeping Assistance; Capital access assistance; Hokum assistance for MSMEs; expansion of the network of cooperation and marketing between MSMEs; Training and Bimtek to MSMEs; and improvement of product packaging.

#baped mutiled

#planning coordination activities

#directional direction of the development of the Ambangan Section

#direction of the YKMKMKALTIM policy