
Saturday, 18 September 2021



1138 times seen

RPJMD Provincial Resource Resource in Balikpapan City in 2021-2026

Thursday, September 16, 2021. Head of Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province attended virtually and delivering exposure and responded to the implementation of "Musrenbang RPJMD Balikpapan City in 2021-2026". The event was attended by elements of Forkopimda, representatives of vertical agencies in the City of Balikpapan, NGOs and community leaders as well as all regional apparatus scope of the City of Balikpapan.

Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda conveyed in his presentation regarding the results of consultation and recommendations for improvement of the RPJMD Ranwal of Balikpapan City in 2021-2026 which had previously been submitted. In addition, several other things emphasized include adjusting to the direction of the policy and the target of the macro development indicator determined by the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan in the Amendment to the RPJMD of East Kalimantan in 2019-2023.

Balikpapan City in the Draft RPJMD in 2021 - 2026 has a vision of "The realization of Balikpapan as a prominent city that is comfortable to live in, modern and prosperous in the frame of Madinatul Iman" with 5 missions namely realizing good governance administration; Realizing high quality human resources; provides adequate city infrastructure; Realizing a comfortable city inhabited by environmentally sound; and develop creative people's economy. Meanwhile, the strategic issue that was observed was related to increasing economic growth; Poverty reduction and PPKS; Improving the quality of human resources; provision of reliable and environmentally friendly infrastructure; spatial planning; environmental management in a sustainable manner; and governance.